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Last active July 18, 2021 14:00
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module TypeClasses
open System
let inline (|HasId|) x = (^a : (member Id : 'Id)x) // define type class
let inline getId (HasId x) = x // call type class instance
let inline (|HasShow|) x = (^a : (static member Show : ^a -> string)x) // define type class
let inline show (HasShow x) = x // call type class instance
let inline (|HasMap|) f x = (^x : (static member Map : ('a -> 'b) * ^x -> ^z) f, x) // define type class
let inline map f (HasMap f x) = x // call type class instance
// ========================================================
type User = { Id: Guid; UserName: string; } // define type
type Stack<'T> = Empty | Node of 'T * Stack<'T> // define type
// ========================================================
type User with static member Show (x: User) = x.ToString() // implement type class
type Stack<'a> with // implement type class
static member Map (f, x) =
match x with
| Empty -> Empty
| Node (x, xs) -> Node (f x, Stack.Map(f, xs))
// test usage
let user = { Id = Guid.NewGuid(); UserName = "User"; }
let userShow = show user // { Id = c3af72cf-d7fb-41fe-9e64-f4c15b316920 UserName = "User" }
let userId = getId user // c3af72cf-d7fb-41fe-9e64-f4c15b316920
let stack = Node(9, Node(10, Empty)) // stack of int
let mapStack = map (fun x -> x.ToString()) stack // stack of string
let inline mapToStr x = map show x // combine type classes, require Map and Show members
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