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Last active December 29, 2015 06:49
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Save Bapho/7631978 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a class to store values and execute methods of hand cards. - three-day project
package com.baphoware.prjhelloween.executions;
public class HelloWeenCardHand
// deklaration und initialisierung der Klassenvariablen
private boolean isHuman = false;
private int[][] handStats = new int[5][4];
private int[] handCards = new int[5];
private int indexHand = 0;
private static int DIFF_INDEX_TO_STAT = 25;
public HelloWeenCardHand()
// standard constructor
// overloaded constructor
public HelloWeenCardHand( boolean isHuman, int[][] handStats, int indexHand, int[] handCards )
this.isHuman = isHuman;
this.handStats = handStats;
this.indexHand = indexHand;
this.handCards = handCards;
public boolean isHuman()
return isHuman;
public void setHuman( boolean isHuman )
this.isHuman = isHuman;
// Formel zum setzen der gesamten maximalen Kartenstärke
public int getHandMaxStats( int indexCard )
return ( indexCard * 2 ) + DIFF_INDEX_TO_STAT;
public int getHandStats( int a, int b )
return handStats[a][b];
// Zufallsgenerierung der Figuren von den 5 Handkarten
private void setHandObjects()
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
double temp = Math.random();
// Index zufällig generieren (von 0-10)
this.handCards[i] = (int) (temp * 10);
// abrunden
if( temp < 0.1 )
this.handCards[i] = (int) Math.floor( temp * 10 );
// aufrunden
if( temp > 0.9 && temp < 1.0)
this.handCards[i] = (int) Math.ceil( temp * 10 );
//Stärke der Handkarten zufällig generieren
public void setHandStats()
// HandKarten-Figuren erzeugen
// Schleife für die 5 Handkarten
for ( int c = 0; c < 5; c++ )
// temp. Variablen um die Werte zufällig zu verteilen
double w, n, e, s, q, x;
double wWest, nNorth, eEast, sSouth;
w = Math.random();
n = Math.random();
e = Math.random();
s = Math.random();
// mathematischer Dreisatz
q = w + n + e + s;
x = 1 / q;
wWest = w * x;
nNorth = n * x;
eEast = e * x;
sSouth = w * x;
// Fallbestimmung und Wertzuweisung für die jeweilige Himmelsrichtung
for ( int v = 0; v < 4; v++ )
// Variable zur jeweiligen Berechnung
double value = 4.5;
switch( v )
case 0:
value = wWest;
case 1:
value = nNorth;
case 2:
value = eEast;
case 3:
value = sSouth;
// Handkarte den Richtungswert und Zufallswert zuweisen
this.handStats[c][v] = (int) ( 1 + ( Math.random() * value * getHandMaxStats( c ) ) );
// exception-handling
if( handStats[c][v] > 9 )
handStats[c][v] = 9;
System.out.println( "Handkarte: " + c + "\t Richtung: " + v + "\t Wert: " + handStats[c][v] + "\t Figurindex: " + handCards[c] );
// Nummer der aktuellen Handkarten-Figur ausgeben
public synchronized int getHandCard()
return handCards[indexHand];
// index der aktuellen Handkarte erhöhen
public synchronized void setNextHandCard()
if( indexHand < 4 )
} else
indexHand = 0;
public synchronized int getIndexHand()
return indexHand;
public synchronized void setIndexHand( int indexHand )
this.indexHand = indexHand;
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