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Last active September 27, 2019 12:51
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  • Save BalzGuenat/17f6f446994d8bafc8145cfec985f3f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BalzGuenat/17f6f446994d8bafc8145cfec985f3f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python module to access COCO.json annotations.
# This code is public domain.
import json
data = {}
images = {}
def imagename_to_id(name):
return list(filter(lambda img: img['file_name'] == name, data['images']))[0]['id']
def load(filename='COCO.json'):
"""Load the given JSON file."""
global data, images
with open(filename) as input:
data = json.load(input)
images = {img['id']: img for img in data['images']}
def get_images():
"""Return all images."""
return data['images']
def get_annotations(image=None):
"""Return the annotations for the given image or all annotations if no argument or a falsy argument is given."""
if not image:
return data['annotations']
img_id = imagename_to_id(image)
return list(filter(lambda a: a['image_id'] == img_id, data['annotations']))
def get_with(object_type=None):
Return the files that are annotated with the given object class ('balise', 'main_signal' oder 'distant_signal').
If no argument or a falsy argument is given, returns all files that have at least one annotation.
if not object_type:
with_annots = set(map(lambda a: a['image_id'], data['annotations']))
return [images[id]['file_name'] for id in with_annots]
cat_id = [cat['id'] for cat in filter(lambda cat: cat['name'] == object_type, data['categories'])][0]
annots = filter(lambda annot: annot['category_id'] == cat_id, data['annotations'])
return list(map(lambda annot: images[annot['image_id']]['file_name'], annots))
if __name__ == '__main__':
"""Load the input file, invoke get_with() and print the result."""
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