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Created February 15, 2019 13:02
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#ifndef AUTODIFF_H__
#define AUTODIFF_H__
#include "delta_ray.h"
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI std::acos(-1)
namespace autodiff {
typedef int VertexId;
struct ADGraph;
struct AReal;
extern thread_local ADGraph* g_ADGraph;
// Declare this in your .cpp source
#define DECLARE_ADGRAPH() namespace autodiff { thread_local ADGraph* g_ADGraph = 0; }
AReal NewAReal(const Real val);
struct AReal {
AReal() : varId(-1) {}
AReal(const Real val) {
*this = NewAReal(val);
AReal(const Real val, const VertexId varId) :
val(val), varId(varId) {}
Real val;
VertexId varId;
struct ADEdge {
ADEdge() {}
ADEdge(VertexId from, VertexId to, Real w) :
from(from), to(to), w(w) {}
VertexId from, to;
Real w;
struct ADGraph {
ADGraph() {
g_ADGraph = this;
inline void clear() {
num_vertices = 0;
inline void zero_adjoints() {
std::fill(adjoints.begin(), adjoints.end(), 0.f);
int num_vertices;
std::vector<float> adjoints;
std::vector<ADEdge> edges;
inline AReal NewAReal(const Real val) {
VertexId newId = g_ADGraph->num_vertices;
return AReal(val, newId);
inline void AddEdge(const AReal &c, const AReal &p,
const Real w) {
if (w != 0.f) {
g_ADGraph->edges.emplace_back(c.varId, p.varId, w);
////////////////////// Addition ///////////////////////////
inline AReal operator+(const AReal &l, const AReal &r) {
AReal ret = NewAReal(l.val + r.val);
AddEdge(ret, l, Real(1.0));
AddEdge(ret, r, Real(1.0));
return ret;
inline AReal operator+(const AReal &l, const Real r) {
AReal ret = NewAReal(l.val + r);
AddEdge(ret, l, Real(1.0));
return ret;
inline AReal operator+(const Real l, const AReal &r) {
return r + l;
inline AReal& operator+=(AReal &l, const AReal &r) {
return (l = l + r);
inline AReal& operator+=(AReal &l, const Real r) {
return (l = l + r);
////////////////// Subtraction ////////////////////////////
inline AReal operator-(const AReal &l, const AReal &r) {
AReal ret = NewAReal(l.val - r.val);
AddEdge(ret, l, Real(1.0));
AddEdge(ret, r, Real(-1.0));
return ret;
inline AReal operator-(const AReal &l, const Real r) {
AReal ret = NewAReal(l.val - r);
AddEdge(ret, l, Real(1.0));
return ret;
inline AReal operator-(const Real l, const AReal &r) {
AReal ret = NewAReal(l - r.val);
AddEdge(ret, r, Real(-1.0));
return ret;
inline AReal& operator-=(AReal &l, const AReal &r) {
return (l = l - r);
inline AReal& operator-=(AReal &l, const Real r) {
return (l = l - r);
inline AReal operator-(const AReal &x) {
AReal ret = NewAReal(-x.val);
AddEdge(ret, x, Real(-1.0));
return ret;
////////////////// Multiplication /////////////////////////
inline AReal operator*(const AReal &l, const AReal &r) {
AReal ret = NewAReal(l.val * r.val);
AddEdge(ret, l, r.val);
AddEdge(ret, r, l.val);
return ret;
inline AReal operator*(const AReal &l, const Real r) {
AReal ret = NewAReal(l.val * r);
AddEdge(ret, l, r);
return ret;
inline AReal operator*(const Real l, const AReal &r) {
return r * l;
inline AReal& operator*=(AReal &l, const AReal &r) {
return (l = l * r);
inline AReal& operator*=(AReal &l, const Real r) {
return (l = l * r);
////////////////// Division ///////////////////////////////
inline AReal operator/(const AReal &l, const AReal &r) {
// d/dx x / y = 1 / y
// d/dy x / y = -x / y^2
Real invR = Real(1.0) / r.val;
Real invRSq = invR * invR;
AReal ret = NewAReal(l.val * invR);
AddEdge(ret, l, invR);
AddEdge(ret, r, -l.val * invRSq);
return ret;
inline AReal operator/(const AReal &l, const Real r) {
return l * (Real(1.0) / r);
inline AReal operator/(const Real l, const AReal &r) {
Real invR = Real(1.0) / r.val;
Real invRSq = invR * invR;
AReal ret = NewAReal(l * invR);
AddEdge(ret, r, -l * invRSq);
return ret;
inline AReal& operator/=(AReal &l, const AReal &r) {
return (l = l / r);
inline AReal& operator/=(AReal &l, const Real r) {
return (l = l / r);
////////////////// Comparisons ////////////////////////////
inline bool operator<(const AReal &l, const AReal &r) {
return l.val < r.val;
inline bool operator<=(const AReal &l, const AReal &r) {
return l.val <= r.val;
inline bool operator>(const AReal &l, const AReal &r) {
return l.val > r.val;
inline bool operator>=(const AReal &l, const AReal &r) {
return l.val >= r.val;
inline bool operator==(const AReal &l, const AReal &r) {
return l.val == r.val;
inline bool operator!=(const AReal &l, const AReal &r) {
return l.val != r.val;
//////////////// Misc functions ///////////////////////////
inline Real square(const Real x) {
return x * x;
inline AReal square(const AReal &x) {
Real sqX = x.val * x.val;
AReal ret = NewAReal(sqX);
AddEdge(ret, x, Real(2.0) * x.val);
return ret;
inline AReal sqrt(const AReal &x) {
Real sqrtX = std::sqrt(x.val);
Real invSqrtX = Real(1.0) / sqrtX;
AReal ret = NewAReal(sqrtX);
AddEdge(ret, x, Real(0.5) * invSqrtX);
return ret;
inline AReal pow(const AReal &x, const Real a) {
Real powX = std::pow(x.val, a);
AReal ret = NewAReal(powX);
AddEdge(ret, x, a * std::pow(x.val, a - Real(1.0)));
return ret;
inline AReal pow(const AReal &x, const AReal &a) {
Real powX = std::pow(x.val, a.val);
AReal ret = NewAReal(powX);
AddEdge(ret, x, a.val * std::pow(x.val, a.val - Real(1.0)));
AddEdge(ret, a, powX * log(std::max(x.val, Real(1e-6f))));
return ret;
inline AReal exp(const AReal &x) {
Real expX = std::exp(x.val);
AReal ret = NewAReal(expX);
AddEdge(ret, x, expX);
return ret;
inline AReal log(const AReal &x) {
Real logX = std::log(x.val);
AReal ret = NewAReal(logX);
Real invX = Real(1.0) / x.val;
AddEdge(ret, x, invX);
return ret;
inline AReal sin(const AReal &x) {
Real sinX = std::sin(x.val);
AReal ret = NewAReal(sinX);
AddEdge(ret, x, std::cos(x.val));
return ret;
inline AReal cos(const AReal &x) {
AReal ret = NewAReal(std::cos(x.val));
AddEdge(ret, x, -std::sin(x.val));
return ret;
inline AReal tan(const AReal &x) {
Real tanX = std::tan(x.val);
Real secX = Real(1.0) / std::cos(x.val);
Real sec2X = secX * secX;
AReal ret = NewAReal(tanX);
AddEdge(ret, x, sec2X);
return ret;
inline AReal asin(const AReal &x) {
Real asinX = std::asin(x.val);
AReal ret = NewAReal(asinX);
Real tmp = Real(1.0) / (Real(1.0) - x.val * x.val);
Real sqrtTmp = std::sqrt(tmp);
AddEdge(ret, x, sqrtTmp);
return ret;
inline AReal acos(const AReal &x) {
Real acosX = std::acos(x.val);
AReal ret = NewAReal(acosX);
Real tmp = Real(1.0) / (Real(1.0) - x.val * x.val);
Real negSqrtTmp = -std::sqrt(tmp);
AddEdge(ret, x, negSqrtTmp);
return ret;
inline AReal atan2(const AReal &y, const AReal &x) {
Real atan2xy = std::atan2(y.val, x.val);
AReal ret = NewAReal(atan2xy);
Real tmp = x.val * x.val + y.val * y.val;
Real dx = -y.val / tmp;
Real dy = x.val / tmp;
AddEdge(ret, y, dy);
AddEdge(ret, x, dx);
return ret;
inline AReal fabs(const AReal &x) {
return x.val >= 0.f ? x : -x;
inline AReal max(const AReal &x, const AReal &y) {
return x.val > y.val ? x : y;
inline AReal max(const AReal &x, float y) {
return x.val >= y ? x : AReal(y);
inline AReal max(float x, const AReal &y) {
return x > y.val ? AReal(x) : y;
inline float max(float x, float y) {
return x > y ? x : y;
inline AReal min(const AReal &x, const AReal &y) {
return x.val < y.val ? x : y;
inline AReal min(const AReal &x, float y) {
return x.val <= y ? x : AReal(y);
inline AReal min(float x, const AReal &y) {
return x < y.val ? AReal(x) : y;
inline float min(float x, float y) {
return x < y ? x : y;
template <typename TOut, typename TIn>
inline TOut convert(const TIn &v) {
return TOut(v);
template <>
inline Real convert(const AReal &v) {
return v.val;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const AReal &v) {
return os << convert<Real>(v);
inline void set_adjoint(const AReal &v, const Real adj) {
g_ADGraph->adjoints[v.varId] = adj;
inline Real get_adjoint(const AReal &v) {
return v.varId != -1 ?
g_ADGraph->adjoints[v.varId] : Real(0);
inline void propagate_adjoint() {
for (int i = (int)g_ADGraph->edges.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const ADEdge &e = g_ADGraph->edges[i];
float adj = g_ADGraph->adjoints[e.from];
if (adj != 0.f) {
g_ADGraph->adjoints[] += e.w * adj;
} //namespace autodiff
#endif // AUTODIFF_H__
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