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To get the Java code to show a maximal line after handling a mouse click, you'll need to ensure that the application is not only adding the new point to your collection but also recalculating which points are considered maximal and then drawing lines between these maximal points. Based on your current `handleMouseClick` method snippet, it looks like the logic for finding maximal points and drawing maximal lines is commented out.
Here's how you can adjust the method to include these steps:
1. **Uncomment the necessary method calls** to `findMaximalPoints` and `drawMaximalLines` within the mouse click event handler. This ensures that every time a new point is added (or potentially removed), the set of maximal points is recalculated, and the lines between these points are redrawn.
2. **Ensure that the logic within `findMaximalPoints` and `drawMaximalLines` is correctly implemented**. This includes correctly determining maximal points based on your criteria (e.g., a point is maximal if there are no other points to the right and above it) and then drawing lines between these points in an order that makes sense for your application.
Here's the updated version of your `handleMouseClick` method with the necessary parts uncommented:
private void handleMouseClick(MouseEvent event) {
System.out.println("Handling mouse click at (" + event.getX() + ", " + event.getY() + ")");
// Left click: Add a new point
double x = event.getX();
double y = event.getY();
points.add(new Point(x, y));
findMaximalPoints(); // Recalculate which points are maximal
drawMaximalLines(); // Draw lines between maximal points
drawPoints(); // Redraw points
Note that the provided code snippet assumes that the methods `findMaximalPoints`, `drawMaximalLines`, and `drawPoints` are implemented correctly elsewhere in your class. Specifically, `findMaximalPoints` should update your collection of maximal points according to your criteria, `drawMaximalLines` should iterate over the maximal points and draw lines between them as needed, and `drawPoints` should ensure that all points (maximal or otherwise) are visualized on the pane.
If you have logic for handling right-click events to remove points, and you want that functionality, you can uncomment and adjust the corresponding section. However, ensure that the logic for finding a point to remove is accurate and considers the user's expectations regarding how close the mouse click needs to be to an existing point for it to be considered for removal.
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