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Last active May 11, 2020 19:24
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Dependent types with clojure.spec (requires clojure-1.9alpha16+)
;; "Can you model dependent types in clojure.spec?"
;; What are dependent types?
;; -> Parts of the data depend on each other
;; -> The structure of the data depends on certain values in the data itself
[3 "A" "B" "C"]
;; [count & elements]
;; Valid:
[3 "A" "B" "C"]
[1 "X"]
;; Invalid:
[5 "a"]
[1 "x" "y" "z"]
;; is this useful?
;; -> Yes, I think so
;; -> Checksum based data (ISBN, IBAN)
;; -> is this valid? "ISBN 0-321-12521-5"
;; ^
;; checksum (cross-sum mod 11)
;; Should be easy in spec, because it works at runtime!
[3 "A" "B" "C"]
(ns spec-depedent-types.naive
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
(defn size-matches? [coll]
(= (count coll)
(inc (first coll))))
(s/def ::dependent-spec (s/and sequential?
#(integer? (first %))
(s/valid? ::dependent-spec [5 1 2 3 4 5])
;; => true
(s/valid? ::dependent-spec [3 "a" "b" "c"])
;; => true
(s/conform ::dependent-spec [3 "a" "b" "c"])
;; => [3 "a" "b" "c"]
(s/valid? ::dependent-spec [4 "singleElement"])
;; => false
(s/explain ::dependent-spec [4 "singleElement"])
;; => val: [4 "singleElement"] fails spec: :spec-depedent-types.naive/dependent-spec predicate: size-matches?
(s/valid? ::dependent-spec [0])
;; => true
(defn do-something [coll]
(when (not (s/valid? ::dependent-spec coll))
(throw (RuntimeException.)))
(let [size (first coll)
[_ & elements] coll]
(println "Size: " size ", elements: " elements)))
(do-something [3 "a" "b" "c"])
;; => Size: 3 , elements: (a b c)
(ns spec-depedent-types.nice
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
(defn size-matches? [m]
(= (:count m)
(count (:elements m))))
;; The naive version doesn't work, why?
#_(defn size-matches? [coll]
(= (count coll)
(inc (first coll))))
(s/def ::dependent-spec (s/and ::annotated-list
(s/def ::annotated-list (s/cat :count nat-int? ;; s/cat implies order
:elements (s/* any?)))
(s/conform ::dependent-spec [3 "a" "b" "c"])
;; => {:count 3, :elements ["a" "b" "c"]}
(s/valid? ::dependent-spec [5 "a" "b" "c" "d" "e"])
;; => true
(s/valid? ::dependent-spec [3 "a" "b" "c"])
;; => true
(s/valid? ::dependent-spec [4 "singleElement"])
;; => false
(s/explain ::dependent-spec [4 "singleElement"])
;; => val: {:count 4, :elements ["singleElement"]} fails spec: ::dependent-spec predicate: size-matches?
(s/valid? ::dependent-spec [0])
;; => true
(defn do-something [coll]
(when (not (s/valid? ::dependent-spec coll))
(throw (RuntimeException.)))
(let [conformed (s/conform ::dependent-spec coll)]
(str "Size: " (:count conformed) ", elements: " (:elements conformed))))
(do-something [3 "a" "b" "c"])
;; => Size: 3 , elements: [a b c]
;; Bonus Question
;; -> what happens, when I decide to change the pattern to ["a" "b" "c" 3] ?!
;; Conclusion
;; -> dependent types useful for checksum-based data
;; -> s/and passes conformed data on to the successive specs
;; -> specs "encapsulate" knowledge about order
;; -> spec can model things that are impossible (or at least hard) to model in type systems
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