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Forked from ezksd/Interpreter.scala
Created March 25, 2017 20:44
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package ezksd
import ezksd.Parser.parse
object Interpreter {
type Continuation[T] = T => Unit
def cps_map(l: List[Any], f: (Any, Any => Unit) => Unit, k: Continuation[List[Any]]) {
if (l.isEmpty)
f(l.head, head => cps_map(l.tail, f, tai => k(head :: tai)))
def evalList(list: List[Any], env: Environment, k: Continuation[List[Any]]) {
cps_map(list, (x, k1) => eval(x, env, r => k1(r)), k)
def evalAndPrint(expr: Any): Unit = eval(expr, Environment.env0, println)
def firstString(list: List[Any]): String = list.head.asInstanceOf[String]
def eval(expr: Any, env: Environment, cont: Continuation[Any]) {
expr match {
case s: String => cont(env.lookup(s))
case "define" :: xs => xs match {
case (key: String) :: value :: Nil => eval(value, env, r => env.define(key, r))
case (head: List[String]) :: body => env.define(head.head, Closure(env, head.tail, body))
case "set!" :: (key: String) :: value :: Nil => eval(value, env, r => env.set(key, value))
case "lambda" :: (params: List[String]) :: xs => cont(Closure(env, params, xs))
case "call/cc" :: lambda :: Nil => eval(List(lambda, cont), env, cont)
case "quote" :: value :: Nil => cont(value)
case "let" :: (list: List[List[Any]]) :: body =>
eval(Closure(env,, body) ::, env, cont)
case "let" :: (name: String) :: (list: List[List[Any]]) :: body =>
val closure = Closure(env,, body)
eval(closure ::, env.extend(name, closure), cont)
case "if" :: pred :: first :: second :: Nil => eval(pred, env, {
case true => eval(first, env, cont)
case false => eval(second, env, cont)
case list: List[Any] => evalList(list, env, {
case Closure(saved, p, body) :: v => evalList(body, saved.extend(p, v), r => cont(r.last))
case (prim: Primitive) :: v => cont(prim(v))
case (f: Continuation[Any]) :: v => if (v.isEmpty) cont(f) else f(v.head)
case _ => cont(expr)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// val exp = parse("(let ((yin (call/cc (lambda (c) c)))) (display \"#\") (let ((yang (call/cc (lambda (c) c)))) (display \"*\") (yin yang)))")
val exp = parse("(call/cc (lambda (k) (k 1) (print 2)))")
exp.foreach(e => eval(e, Environment.env0, println))
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