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Last active April 23, 2024 10:32
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Unmuting Twitch VODs

Unmuting Twitch VODs

As you know, Twitch has made a weird decision to mute VODs if it finds copyrighted content in videos.

Here's how to enjoy VODs without this annoying mute feature.

	if (oSession.hostname == "") {
		if (/^\/api\/videos\/[A-Za-z0-9]+\?as3=t.*$/.test(oSession.PathAndQuery)) {
			var oBody = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(oSession.responseBodyBytes);
			oBody = oBody.replace(/"upkeep":"fail"/g, '"upkeep":"pass"');
  • Check File -> Capture Traffic
  • Watch any VOD and enjoy!
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GranPC commented Aug 6, 2014

🚚 you.

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Kowiz commented Aug 6, 2014


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rjackson commented Aug 7, 2014

Get banned. 🍌

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ahv commented Aug 7, 2014

What's the hate about? I thought this community embraced the technical aspect of things.

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fwsGonzo commented Aug 7, 2014

Not sure. Especially when its a trivial modification to http response... I guess it's unrealistic to re-encode videos (eg. on the fly) just for the muted sections.

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kub4n3c commented Aug 7, 2014

can someone post his rules, i am retard at these things i dont know where to paste it exactly

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Tucta commented Aug 8, 2014

I'm getting a syntax error when I paste the code into Customrules.js file. I've never used fiddler though and CTRL+F 'OnBeforeResponse' brings up a few results, where am I supposed to paste the code?

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tags23 commented Aug 8, 2014

Instructions unclear, buried my dick into sand. Uninstalled this shit after 5 mins.

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gavin20 commented Aug 8, 2014

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I did all of this. The VOD seemed to have been umuted now, but I still couldn't hear anything on the vod. How do I fix it? Or has this been fixed by twitch?

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Skuidius commented Mar 6, 2021

Lack of instructions. The man wants you to download something you have no idea of what it is, configure it without correct instructions and steps to follow. Ri di cu lous

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