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Created March 21, 2013 22:29
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Testing GeoHash library
class GeoHash {
private $hash;
private $latitude;
private $longitude;
private $precision;
* Returns the hash
* @return string
public function getHash() {
if(!$this->hash) {
if(empty($this->latitude)) throw new Exception("Latitude is required");
if(empty($this->longitude)) throw new Exception("Longitude is required");
$this->hash = $this->createHash();
return $this->hash;
* Set a hash, this will clear any latitude/longitude or precision set
* @return GeoHash
public function setHash($hash) {
$this->hash = $hash;
return $this;
* Get the latitude
* @return float
public function getLatitude() {
return $this->latitude;
* Set a latitude, this will clear any hash
* @return GeoHash
public function setLatitude($latitude) {
$this->hash = null;
$this->latitude = $latitude;
return $this;
* Get the longitude
* @return float
public function getLongitude() {
return $this->longitude;
* Set a latitude, this will clear any hash
* @return GeoHash
public function setLongitude($longitude) {
$this->hash = null;
$this->longitude = $longitude;
return $this;
* Gets the precision
* @return float
public function getPrecision() {
return $this->precision;
* Set a precision, clears any hash
* @return GeoHash
public function setPrecision($precision) {
$this->hash = null;
$this->precision = $precision;
return $this;
* Return the hash, obviously, to print out
* @return string
public function __toString() {
return $this->getHash();
private function clearCoords() {
$this->latitude = null;
$this->longitude = null;
$this->precision = null;
private function createHash() {
$table = "0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz";
$lng = $this->longitude;
$lat = $this->latitude;
if(isset($this->precision)) {
$p = $this->precision;
} else {
$lap = strlen($lat)-strpos($lat,".");
$lop = strlen($lng)-strpos($lng,".");
$p = $this->precision = pow(10,-max($lap-1,$lop-1,0))/2;
$minlat = -90;
$maxlat = 90;
$minlng = -180;
$maxlng = 180;
$latE = 90;
$lngE = 180;
$hash = "";
$error = 180;
while($error>=$p) {
$chr = 0;
for($b=4;$b>=0;--$b) {
if((1&$b) == (1&$i)) { // even char, even bit OR odd char, odd bit...a lng
$next = ($minlng+$maxlng)/2;
if($lng>$next) {
$chr |= pow(2,$b);
$minlng = $next;
} else {
$maxlng = $next;
$lngE /= 2;
} else { // odd char, even bit OR even char, odd bit...a lat
$next = ($minlat+$maxlat)/2;
if($lat>$next) {
$chr |= pow(2,$b);
$minlat = $next;
} else {
$maxlat = $next;
$latE /= 2;
$hash .= $table[$chr];
$error = min($latE,$lngE);
return $hash;
private function parseHash() {
$table = "0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz";
$hash = $this->hash;
$minlat = -90;
$maxlat = 90;
$minlng = -180;
$maxlng = 180;
$latE = 90;
$lngE = 180;
for($i=0,$c=strlen($hash);$i<$c;$i++) {
$v = strpos($table,$hash[$i]);
if(1&$i) {
if(16&$v)$minlat = ($minlat+$maxlat)/2; else $maxlat = ($minlat+$maxlat)/2;
if(8&$v) $minlng = ($minlng+$maxlng)/2; else $maxlng = ($minlng+$maxlng)/2;
if(4&$v) $minlat = ($minlat+$maxlat)/2; else $maxlat = ($minlat+$maxlat)/2;
if(2&$v) $minlng = ($minlng+$maxlng)/2; else $maxlng = ($minlng+$maxlng)/2;
if(1&$v) $minlat = ($minlat+$maxlat)/2; else $maxlat = ($minlat+$maxlat)/2;
$latE /= 8;
$lngE /= 4;
} else {
if(16&$v)$minlng = ($minlng+$maxlng)/2; else $maxlng = ($minlng+$maxlng)/2;
if(8&$v) $minlat = ($minlat+$maxlat)/2; else $maxlat = ($minlat+$maxlat)/2;
if(4&$v) $minlng = ($minlng+$maxlng)/2; else $maxlng = ($minlng+$maxlng)/2;
if(2&$v) $minlat = ($minlat+$maxlat)/2; else $maxlat = ($minlat+$maxlat)/2;
if(1&$v) $minlng = ($minlng+$maxlng)/2; else $maxlng = ($minlng+$maxlng)/2;
$latE /= 4;
$lngE /= 8;
$this->latitude = round(($minlat+$maxlat)/2, max(1, -round(log10($latE)))-1);
$this->longitude = round(($minlng+$maxlng)/2, max(1, -round(log10($lngE)))-1);
$this->precision = max($latE,$lngE);
// Test
$inputLat = 26.8745;
$inputLon = -118.307;
$geohash = new GeoHash;
$geohash->setLatitude($inputLat)->setLongitude($inputLon)->setPrecision(pow(.1, 15));
$baseConverted = base_convert($geohash->getHash(), 32, 10);
$convertBack = new GeoHash;
$convertBack->setHash(base_convert($baseConverted, 10, 32));
private 'hash' => string '9kgbgu77r1i0000000' (length=18)
private 'latitude' => float 26.8744951487
private 'longitude' => float -118.307003975
private 'precision' => float 5.11590769747E-12
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