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Last active September 11, 2024 19:08
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Bash script to install and set up WordPress on new cPanel account in WHM
# Script for automating new account setups with WordPress installed
echo Lets setup a new WordPress dev site!
# Get user input
# Us RegEx to check for valid domain
read -p 'Enter the domain name: ' domain
result=`echo $domain | grep -P '(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?>(?!\d+\.)[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{1,63}\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)'`
if [[ -z "$result" ]]
echo -e "\nNot a valid domain!"
read -p 'Enter a username for the account (15 characters max): ' username
read -sp 'Enter a password for the account: ' password
# Create cPanel account
echo -e "\n\nCreating new cPanel account for $domain"
whmapi1 createacct username=${username:0:15} domain=$domain plan=Unlimited featurelist=default quota=0 password=$password ip=n cgi=0 hasshell=1 cpmod=paper_lantern maxftp=unlimited maxsql=unlimited maxpop=unlimited maxlst=unlimited maxsub=unlimited maxpark=unlimited maxaddon=unlimited bwlimit=unlimited language=en useregns=1 hasuseregns=1 reseller=0 forcedns=1 mxcheck=local max_email_per_hour=500 max_defer_fail_percentage=80
# Create mySQL database
echo -e "\n\nCreating mySQL database ($dbname) in new cPanel account"
uapi --user=$username Mysql create_database name=$dbname
uapi --user=$username Mysql create_user name=$dbuser password=$dbpassword
uapi --user=$username Mysql set_privileges_on_database user=$dbuser database=$dbname privileges=ALL%20PRIVILEGES
# Install WordPress
echo -e "\n\nInstalling WordPress"
cd /home/${username:0:15}/public_html
wp core download --allow-root
chown -R ${username:0:15}:${username:0:15} *
wp core config --dbname=$dbname --dbuser=$dbuser --dbpass=$dbpassword --allow-root
wp core install --url=$domain --title=$domain --admin_user=Visceral_Dev_Admin --admin_password=$wppassword --allow-root
chown -R ${username:0:15}:${username:0:15} *
# Finish
echo -e "\n\nSuccess!"
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Is it possible to installed pre configured (with themes and plugins) wordpress . If yes , can you please tell me where to modify on script,

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@desis123, I haven't used this in a very long time, so Im not sure I could tell you. But something I've used instead that I like a bit more is You can keep your own copy of the data.ini file and put the plugins and themes that you want installed in there and it works just fine.

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