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Custom CSS to make Discord slightly transparent (use with BetterDiscord)
.da-scrollerWrap .da-scroller::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background-color: #2c75ff !important;
border-color: #091833 !important;
.theme-dark .da-scrollerWrap .da-scroller::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece {
background-color: #000b1e !important;
border-color: #091833 !important;
.theme-dark {
--background-primary: rgba(9, 24, 51, .4);
--background-secondary: rgba(0, 11, 30, .4);
--background-tertiary: rgba(0, 11, 30, .4);
--deprecated-panel-background: rgba(9, 24, 51, .4);
--channeltextarea-background: rgba(19, 62, 124, .7);
.app-2rEoOp {
background-color: rgba(9, 24, 51, 0);
.bg-h5JY_x {
background-color: rgba(9, 24, 51, 0);
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