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Last active October 29, 2021 03:41
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Hey guys, I've had some time to think about both aproaches Jotschi and I are pursuing and have come to this conclusion:

Each approach has flaws but combined can be something really special. First, I made a list of the the pros/cons.

Async-Await: In this approach, when async(X) is called, we offload X to a virtual thread that executes on the same event-loop (platform) thread.


  • Works with the existing netty event-loop on platform threads.
  • Since await returns Future, it can be integrated into existing Vertx codebases incrementally.
  • You can call any plain blocking library within async() without blocking the event loop threads


  • While async-await is a lot nicer then Future-like apis, you still have to remember to await() futures.
  • Within an async scope, Vertx.currentContext() returns null.
  • Users only really need 1 virtual thread per request, but if every method spawns an async() scope, way too many virtual threads will be created. There's no way to signal that a method uses async-await. In Kotlin, you do this with the suspend keyword, and likewise in Scala with Context Functions. Both of those add complexity to the language.

Event-Loop Running on Virtual Threads: This is Jotschi's approach.


  • You can call any blocking code, anywhere.
  • The virtual thread creation is managed by Vertx, not the user.
  • It's 'invisible'; there's no added complexity or need to understand new concepts.


  • You still need a Virtual Thread per request, Otherwise you'll still block the event loop unless you program in a non-blocking style.
  • Netty threads are 'heavy', and have a lot of potential issues running on virtual threads, such as: thread locals, JNI calls, synchronized blocks, etc. From Jotschi's experiment even the JDK selector has compatibility problems with Virtual Threads, 'pinning' them and spawning ManagedBlockers.
  • Architecturally, there's somewhat of a conflict between the idea of a event loop which should never be blocked, and virtual threads which are designed to be blocked.

With those points in mind, here's the big idea: Keep the netty event loop unchanged and offload to virtual threads (ala async-await), but in a way that users never have to use Future, or even async-await (ala Jotschi).

This is how we could do it:

  • We make a vertx-loom project that uses vertx-gen or manually wraps all the current Vertx project APIs.
  • For a method like Route::respond(Function<RoutingContext, Future<T>> function), we translate it to be
package io.vertx.loom.ext.web;

public class Route {

  private final io.vertx.ext.web.Route underlying;
  public Route(io.vertx.ext.web.Route underlying) {
    this.underlying = underlying;

  public Route respond(Function<RoutingContext, T> function) {
    underlying.respond(ctx -> async(() -> function(ctx)));
    return this;
  // Likewise for handler, but we can keep the Handler<T> interface.
  public Route handler(Handler<RoutingContext> requestHandler) {
    underlying.handler(ctx -> async(() -> requestHandler(ctx)));
    return this;

And, for methods that return Future, just return T instead, calling await() on the underlying Future result.

Finally, we need to make sure Vertx.currentContext() returns the context while on the virtual thread. There's probably a smart way we can do thi.

I think this has the benefits of both approaches: Users never need to use Future or async-await again; they can call blocking code without ever stopping the event loop; netty continues to run on platform threads, yet the virtual threads are managed by Vertx itself.

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