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Last active August 29, 2024 14:20
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Save Atrate/b08c5b67172abafa5e7286f4a952ca4d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
i3-like tabs for Hyprland. Usage: save the script as `~/.config/hypr/` or somewhere else and add the following to your `hyprland.conf`, changing the keybind or path as you see fit: `bind = $mainMod SHIFT, w, exec, ~/.config/hypr/`
#!/bin/bash --posix
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2024 Atrate
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script to simulate the way i3 creates tabs, but in Hyprland!
# ---
# Version: 0.5.0
# ---
# Known issues:
# - Hyprland crashes when using this script with too many windows. Sounds like
# a Hyprland issue, but if that gets too annoying for me I'll find some
# workaround for this script.
# - Grouping does not work if the layout is too "deep".
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set POSIX-compliant mode for security and unset possible overrides
# NOTE: This does not mean that we are restricted to POSIX-only constructs
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
set -o posix
# Set IFS explicitly. POSIX does not enforce whether IFS should be inherited
# from the environment, so it's safer to set it expliticly
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
IFS=$' \t\n'
export IFS
# Set up fd 3 for discarding output, necessary for set -r
# -------------------------------------------------------
exec 3>/dev/null
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Options description:
# -o pipefail: exit on error in any part of pipeline
# -eE: exit on any error, go through error handler
# -u: exit on accessing uninitialized variable
# -r: set bash restricted mode for security
# The restricted mode option necessitates the usage of tee
# instead of simple output redirection when writing to files
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set -o pipefail -eEur
# Speed up script by not using unicode
# ------------------------------------
# Check whether to group or ungroup windows
# -----------------------------------------
if hyprctl -j activewindow | jq -cr '.grouped' | grep -vFq '['
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ungroup current window group
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
hyprctl dispatch togglegroup
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Group all windows on focused workspace
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Save original window's address
# ------------------------------
ORIGWINDOW="$(hyprctl -j activewindow | jq -cr '.address')"
# Get current workspace's windows' addresses
# ------------------------------------------
WINDOWS="$(hyprctl -j clients | jq -cr ".[] | select( == $(hyprctl activeworkspace -j | jq -cr '.id')) | .address")"
# If there's just one window, just group it normally for better UX
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
if [ "$(echo "$WINDOWS" | wc -l)" -eq 1 ]
hyprctl dispatch togglegroup
# Move to each window and try to group it every which way
# -------------------------------------------------------
for window in $WINDOWS
window_args="$window_args dispatch focuswindow address:$window; dispatch moveintogroup l; dispatch moveintogroup r; dispatch moveintogroup u; dispatch moveintogroup d;"
# Group the first window
# ----------------------
batch_args="dispatch togglegroup;"
# Group all other windows twice (once isn't enough in case of very
# "deep" layouts". This ugly workaround could be fixed if hyprland
# allowed moving into groups based on addresses and not positions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
batch_args="$batch_args $window_args $window_args"
# Also focus the original window at the very end
# ----------------------------------------------
batch_args="$batch_args dispatch focuswindow address:$ORIGWINDOW"
# Execute the grouping using hyprctl --batch for performance
# ----------------------------------------------------------
hyprctl --batch "$batch_args"
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