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Last active May 11, 2016 07:31
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  • Save Atala/aa157666226f4b62443b83e7db78d64c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Atala/aa157666226f4b62443b83e7db78d64c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import re
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
db = {}
if __name__ == '__main__':
rep = requests.get('')
soup = BS(rep.content, "html.parser")
date = soup.find(class_='navbox collapsible noprint uncollapsed')
links = date.find_all('a')
for link in links:
url = '' + link['href']
# url = ''
rep = requests.get(url)
import ipdb
soup = BS(rep.content.decode('utf-8'), "html.parser", from_encoding='UTF-8')
title = soup.find(class_='mw-headline')
# filter links that are not doleance links
if title and url != '':
title = title.text
head = title[:21]
date = title[-14:-1]
text = soup.find(id='mw-content-text').text
dols = re.findall(r'\d{1}\s{0,1}[–|-](.*?)\d{0,1}\s{1}[–|-]', text, re.DOTALL|re.UNICODE)
nb_dols = len(dols)
last_dol = re.findall(str(nb_dols+1) + r'\s{0,1}[–|-](.*?) mDoléances du ...', text, re.DOTALL|re.UNICODE)
last_dol = last_dol[0].strip()
dols = [dol.strip() for dol in dols]
db[date] = dols
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