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Askhat Mudarisow Askhento

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Max-Makhrov /
Created February 16, 2022 13:09
How to get active user email with installed onEdit trigger?
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('😎📬 run me 2x times')
.addItem('please let script to see your email', 'install')
// function test() {
// var e = {
estruyf / vscode-theme-variables.css
Created January 28, 2022 13:21
All VS Code theme variables
:root {
--vscode-editor-font-family:"Operator Mono Lig", "Cascadia Code";
--vscode-descriptionForeground:rgba(243, 239, 245, 0.7);
torufurukawa / google-script-run-promise.js
Last active October 20, 2023 10:13
Make looks a promise
// Converted for ES6
function scriptRunPromise() {
const gs = {};
// contains doSomething() methods at runtime.
// Object.keys( returns array of method names.
const keys = Object.keys(;
// for each key, i.e. method name...
AzureDVBB /
Created July 17, 2018 21:22
A simple node tree addon template for blender.
# the little less documented way of adding a custom node tree
# and populate it with nodes of varying types of I/O
# sockets that work together, discombobulated
# first we import the blender API
import bpy
# then we create the UI space, the node tree as it is called
# but in actualy fact this is similar to a UI panel/menu
amanjuman / SoftEther VPN Server Setup in Raspberry Pi 3
Last active October 18, 2023 05:20
SoftEther VPN Server Setup in Raspberry Pi 3
sudo su
cd /root/
tar xzf softether-vpnserver-v4.34-9745-rtm-2020.04.05-linux-arm_eabi-32bit.tar.gz && rm softether-vpnserver-v4.34-9745-rtm-2020.04.05-linux-arm_eabi-32bit.tar.gz
cd vpnserver && sudo make
cd ..
sudo mv vpnserver /usr/local && cd /usr/local/vpnserver/
sudo chmod 600 *
Gozala /
Last active June 8, 2023 07:31
Range hilighting code using getClientRects API

Highlight Selection Ranges

Code here takes a DOM Selection Range instance and creates a highlighting for it by using getClientRects. Approach was inspired by marks although here function attempts to find nearest positioned parent element to the commonAncestorContainer and draw all the highilighting rectangles there, this avoids issues with an overflowing content.


  • Approach ignores z-index which isn't great as some element might be overlaying the selection in which case it should not appear, but it does if we use high z-index value. If we use low z-index value then some elements (possibly ones containing selection) might end up overlaying selection itself.
  • Rendered selections are scattered all o
fliptheweb / get_currency.js
Last active November 13, 2020 02:04
Google Sheets Macros (Google App Script) for getting currency of number cell
'$': 'USD',
'₽': 'RUB', // there is a missing character in editor font
'€': 'EUR',
'฿': 'THB'
function _formatToCurrency(formatString) {
var currencyRegexp = /\[.*(.)\]/g;
var currency = currencyRegexp.exec(formatString)[1];
trent-boyd / arrange-windows.applescript
Created February 9, 2013 01:24
Applescript: Arrange Windows w/ Moom
-- Move to Space 1
tell application "System Events" to keystroke (key code 105)
delay 1
tell application "Moom" to arrange windows according to snapshot named "Development Panel"
-- Move to Space 2
tell application "System Events" to keystroke (key code 107)
delay 1
tell application "Moom" to arrange windows according to snapshot named "Communication Panel"
JeffPaine /
Created July 19, 2012 17:24
Make an issue on github using API V3 and Python
import json
import requests
# Authentication for user filing issue (must have read/write access to
# repository to add issue to)
# The repository to add this issue to
skarfacegc / moomDev.applescript
Last active December 19, 2020 18:39
tell Moom to load a specific arrangement

I've moved to using slate rather than moom

I like to have certain window layouts for different tasks. when I'm coding I like it setup one way, email is another, etc. Being able to swap to these layouts with launchbar is cool.

I'm sure it works in butler, qsb, and quicksilver as well, just havent tested

Make the above into applescript save to Application Support/Launchbar/Actions