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Created August 25, 2015 09:50
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quickstart vimrc file
" put in ~/.vimrc
" {{{ general config
set nocompatible " vim Improved
set t_Co=256 " 256 colors
set ruler " show line and column in status bar
set showcmd " show the current command you're typing
" }}}
" {{{ look and feel
set showmatch " show corresponding bracket
set number " show line number
syntax on " syntax color
set hlsearch ? highlight search
set ignorecase
set smartcase " ignorecase + smartcase to search with no sensitive case if all is lower
set scrolloff=5 " keep 5 line above/below the cursor
set cursorline " different color for the current line
" }}}
" {{{ About tabulations
set noexpandtab
set softtabstop
set shiftwidth
set tabstop
" }}}
" # some shortcuts example (see :help macro )
" ## use tabs to open multiple files
nmap <C-t> :tabnew<CR>
imap <C-t> <Esc>:tabnew<CR>
nmap <Tab> gt<CR> " nextab
nmap <S-Tab> gT<CR> " previoustab
" ## automatically add the closing brackets/parenthesis/quote/...
inoremap ( ()<left>
inoremap [ []<left>
inoremap { {}<left>
inoremap < <><left>
inoremap ' ''<left>
inoremap " ""<left>
" # some plugins
" see for installation instruction
" if has('vim_starting')
" set runtimepath+=~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim/
" endif
" call neobundle#begin(expand('~/.vim/bundle/'));
" Neobundle 'Shougo/neobundle.vim'
" NeoBundle 'tomtom/quickfixsigns_vim'
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