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ArduinoBasics Universal Remote Project
* Project: ArduinoBasics Universal Remote
* Author: Scott C
* Date created: 09 March 2019
* Arduino IDE version: 1.8.5
* Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
* Tutorial Link:
* Description:
* This project will turn an ordinary Keyes IR remote into a programmable multi-signal universal remote.
* I will assign up to 3 SONY signal combinations onto a single Keyes remote button.
* This sketch will allow you to program any 5 of the 17 possible buttons on the Keyes remote.
* You can assign signal combinations from different remotes onto the single Keyes remote button.
* An example combination could be to
* - Turn on the TV and switch to a particular channel.
* - Turn on the TV and sound system at the same time
* - Turn up the volume x 3.
* Limitations of this sketch:
* You have to re-program the Key combinations every time you switch the Arduino off and on.
* The program WILL NOT allow duplicate signals for the Keyes remote.
* If duplicates are detected, you will need to start over. You will need to Reset the Arduino.
* You can have duplicate signals for the sony remote combinations.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* All of the IRLib***.h libraries listed below are from the IRLib2 library github page. Only the relevant libraries from that
* github download are included in the sketch. Please note, if you plan to use a different IR protocol/remote,
* you may need to include some additional libraries.
* The rgb_lcd and the Wire libraries are required to display the text on the LCD panel.
* IRLib2 Library:
* rgb_lcd library:
* Wire.h library is built into the Arduino IDE
============================================================================ */
#include <IRLibRecv.h>
#include <IRLibDecodeBase.h>
#include <IRLibSendBase.h>
#include <IRLib_P01_NEC.h>
#include <IRLib_P02_Sony.h>
#include <IRLibCombo.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <rgb_lcd.h>
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The following constants are used for sizing the arrays
* arrSizeA: The maximum number of buttons to use on the Keyes remote (because of sketch memory condsiderations)
* arrSizeB: The maximum number of signal combinations per button.
* The following constants are used for Sensor and module pin assignments
* IR_RECV_PIN : IR receiver on digital Pin 2
* IR_SEND_PIN : IR transmitter on digital Pin 3 - cannot be changed.
* button1_PIN : Tactile Button on digital Pin 5
const int arrSizeA = 5;
const int arrSizeB = 3;
const int IR_RECV_PIN = 2;
const int IR_SEND_PIN = 3;
const int button1_PIN = 5;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* IR_sender: Initalisation of the IR transmitter. Used to send signals to the TV. Defaults to digital pin 3.
* IR_receiver: Initialisation of the IR receiver. Used to receive/record signals from all of the remotes. I used digital pin 2.
* decoded_Keyes_signals: The array used to hold the signals from the Keyes remote
* decoded_IR_signals: The array used to the hold the signal combinations from the Sony remote.
* IR_signal_reps: SONY remotes transmit the signal 3 times. The number of reps will depend on the signal being transmitted.
* code_Breaker: This variable is used later to identify when the button is being pressed.
* lcd: This is used to control the LCD display.
IRsend IR_sender;
IRrecv IR_receiver(IR_RECV_PIN);
IRdecode decoded_Keyes_signals[arrSizeA];
IRdecode decoded_IR_signals[arrSizeA][arrSizeB];
uint8_t IR_signal_reps = 0;
boolean code_Breaker = false;
rgb_lcd lcd;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* lcd.begin : Initialise the 16 x 2 character LCD display
* displayText: This user defined function provides an easy way to display text on the LCD
* button1_PIN: Pin 5 on the Arduino is declared as an INPUT using the pinMode() function, which allows us to monitor button presses using the digitalRead() function.
* getCodes: This user defined function is run once, to map Sony remote signal combinations to 5 buttons on the Keyes remote
void setup() {
lcd.begin(16, 2);
displayText("ArduinoBasics","TV Remote",3000);
displayText("Press Button","** to start **",1000);
//waiting for button press to continue
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The loop funtion begins after all of the codes have been mapped to the Keyes remote.
* The Arduino sits here listening out for signals from the Keyes remote.
* When it recognises the signal, it will transmit the corresponding Sony remote signal combination.
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
displayText("Listening for","Signal.......",100);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* displayText:
* This user defined function helps to simplify the process of displaying text on the LCD
* line1: The text to display on the first line of the LCD
* line2: The text to display on the second line of the LCD
* displayTime: The amount of time to display the text, before it continues on to the next section of code.
void displayText(String line1, String line2, int displayTime){
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* getCodes:
* This user defined function maps the Sony signal combinations to 5 buttons on the Keyes remote.
* There are 17 buttons on the Keyes remote. This sketch will allow you to program ANY 5 of those 17 buttons.
* Up to 3 Sony signals will be mapped or assigned to each Keyes button.
* You don't have to assign a Sony signal - but you may need to import an additional library if you choose a different protocol
* If you don't want to associate ANY signal to a particular Keyes button, or if you want less than 3 signals, you can skip that step by pressing the Tactile button.
void getCodes(){
//obtain the IR code for 5 buttons on the Keyes remote
for(int i=0; i<arrSizeA; i++){
displayText("Keyes Signal #",String(i+1),1000);
//wait until we receive a signal
displayText("Code Bits",String(decoded_Keyes_signals[i].bits),1000);
//Check for duplicates - no duplicates allowed.
for(int d=0; d<i; d++){
displayText("Error:Duplicates","Restart required",1000);
//restart required.
//Record up to 3 Sony signal combinations for each button on the Keyes remote.
for(int j=0; j<arrSizeB; j++){
code_Breaker = false;
displayText("**Sony Signal #",String(j+1),1000);
//wait until we receive a signal or a button press
code_Breaker = true;
//Only decode a signal if a signal was received.
//But not when a button was pressed. If a tactile button is pressed, it will move to the next Keyes assignment.
displayText("Code Bits",String(decoded_IR_signals[i][j].bits),1000);
} else {
displayText("Button Pressed", "No signal recd", 2000);
displayText("Record Mode","COMPLETE****",2000);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* listening_for_signal:
* This user defined function is called in loop().
* The purpose of this function is to receive a Keyes IR signal, and then transmit the associated Sony signal combination.
* There is some extra processing required when transmitting SONY signals.
* The Sony protocol (protocolNum 2) has been programmed to transmit the signal 3 times.
* The codes being transmitted are displayed on the LCD for confirmation and debugging.
void listening_for_signal(){
IRdecode universalRemote;
IR_signal_reps = 1;
//wait until we receive a signal
for(int i=0; i<arrSizeA; i++){
//A known Keyes signal was received. We will now transmit the SONY signal combination.
for(int j=0; j<arrSizeB; j++){
if(decoded_IR_signals[i][j].protocolNum > 0){
if(decoded_IR_signals[i][j].protocolNum ==2){
IR_signal_reps = 3; //Sony Remotes send the signal 3 times.
for(int k=0; k<IR_signal_reps; k++){
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