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Last active November 24, 2019 13:23
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Alcohol Detection Project
* Project: ArduinoBasics Alcohol Detection Project
* Author: Scott C
* Date created: 17 December 2018
* Arduino IDE version: 1.8.5
* Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
* Tutorial Link: https//
* ***WARNING*** : You should NEVER use this as a real life breathalyser.
* Description:
* The Alcohol detection project aims to roughly measure the concentration of alcohol in the air.
* The quality or accuracy of this project has not been verified.
* The values obtained should therefore NOT be trusted for breathtesting purposes.
* There are so many flaws in this project that you should NEVER use it as a real life breathalyser.
* If you choose to reproduce this project, you do so at your own risk.
* I am not responsible for any actions or decisions or repercussions from the use of this code (or part thereof)
* The Grove Alcohol sensor reacts to the presence of these substances in the air
* - Alcohol (ethanol)
* - Isopropyl alcohol
* - Butane
* - LPG gas
* - Petrol fumes
* - possibly other substances that I have not yet tested.
* Therefore a noticeable sensor reaction can not assumed to be from the presence of Alcohol (ethanol) in the air.
* Acknowledgements:
* This code has been adapted from the Seeedstudio wiki code:
============================================================================ */
* Libraries:
* Wire.h = used for I2C communication - which is used by the Grove LCD screen
* rgb_lcd.h = simplifies the operation of the LCD screen
* math.h = required for the pow() function which is used to calculate the concentration of alcohol in the air.
#include <Wire.h>
#include "rgb_lcd.h"
#include <math.h>
* lcd = used to control the lcd text messages
* point 1,2 and 3 = are variables used to hold the sensor readings
* ratio = holds the ratio of alcoholic air to clean air
* alc = holds the concentraton of alcohol in the air in parts per million (ppm)
* titleCounter = is a variable which aids in the clean up of residual text on the lcd screen
rgb_lcd lcd;
float point1;
float point2;
float point3;
float ratio;
double alc;
int titleCounter=0;
* Initialise the LCD (16 columns, 2 rows)
* Create introductory text for the project
* Set Analog Pin 1 as an OUTPUT pin, and set it to LOW. This activates the heater on the Alcohol sensor,
* which sometimes causes the program to hang. If it hangs, just reset the Arduino.
* If the program successfully passes the "heater activation" section, we want to display a confirmation message.
* Then prepare the LCD for the next section (loop).
void setup() {
printToLCD("Alcohol Project","",3000);
printToLCD("Alcohol Project","by ARDUINOBASICS",3000);
pinMode(A1,OUTPUT); // heater pin is on Analog Pin (A1)
printToLCD("Heater", "Activated", 3000);
printToLCD("Reading:", "", 10);
* Take a reading from the Grove Alcohol sensor and assign it to variable "point1"
* Print the reading on the LCD screen
* Take another reading from the sensor and assign it to "point2"
* If the point2 reading is LOWER than point1, then take a third reading.
* If the point3 reading is LOWER than point2, then we will do the Alcohol concentration calculations
* Calculate the ratio of point3 to point1
* Use the ratio to calculate the alcohol concentration in the air.
* The alc formula was derived from extrapolating the points from the datasheet and plotting them in Microsoft Excel
* Once plotted in Excel, I obtained the curve calulation and imported it back into this program.
* WARNING ************************************************************
* Please note, that this calculation does NOT produce accurate results. It is for demonstration purposes only - and a proof of concept.
* This should not be used for making any decisions in real life.
* The calculated Alcohol in parts per million (ppm) is printed to the LCD.
* The titleCounter is used to tidy up stray characters that are left behind from bigger numbers.
* This is because I do not clear the screen every time. I don't like the flickering.
* So I clear the screen after every 20 readings.
void loop() {
point1 = readSensor();
point2 = readSensor();
point3 = readSensor();
printToLCD("Alcohol (ppm):","",10);
ratio = point3 / point1;
point3 = readSensor();
alc = 3.9839 * pow(ratio, -2.188);
printToLCD("Alcohol (ppm):","",10);
* readSensor():
* Take the avareage of 100 readings from Analog pin 0.
* Calculate the voltage from the analog reading, and assign it to the sensorVolt variable.
* - for greater accuracy, replace Vref with your own reference voltage measurement
* Calculate the resistance using a voltage divider equation, and assign it to RS_gas.
* - the 10k resistor (R16 on the Grove alcohol sensor datasheet) is not included in the
* calculation because it is later cancelled out in the "ratio" calculation.
* The resistance of the gas being measured is returned.
======================================================================================= */
float readSensor(){
float vRef = 5.0
float sensorValue = 0;
float sensorVolt;
float RS_gas;
for(int x = 0 ; x < 100 ; x++){
sensorValue = sensorValue + analogRead(A0);
sensorValue = sensorValue/100.0;
sensorVolt = (float)(sensorValue*vRef)/1024;
RS_gas = sensorVolt/(vRef-sensorVolt);
return RS_gas;
* printToLCD():
* a function that aims to further simplify the process of writing to the LCD screen.
======================================================================================= */
void printToLCD(String line1, String line2, int timeDelay){
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