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Last active December 29, 2019 11:07
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Sketch to test the BlinkMe library
Filename: blinkTest.ino
Example sketch: Testing the BlinkMe library
Author: Scott C / ArduinoBasics
Date: 28th Nov 2019
Microcontroller: Arduino UNO
IDE Version: 1.8.5 (Windows 10)
#include <BlinkMe.h>
BlinkMe bM;
void setup(){
bM.setOUTPUT(13); //Blink on Digital Pin 13
void loop(){
bM.blink(1000); //Blink ON for 1 second, OFF for 1 second (1000 millis)
bM.blink(2000); //Blink ON for 2 seconds, OFF for 2 seconds
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