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Created November 8, 2018 14:16
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A simple program written for the Rainbowduino 4x4x4 RGB LED cube, that creates a digital rain-cloud effect
* Project: ArduinoBasics Digital Raincloud
* Author: Scott C
* Date created: 06 November 2018
* Arduino IDE version: 1.8.5
* Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
* Tutorial Link: https//
* Description:
* A simple program written for the Rainbowduino 4x4x4 RGB LED cube (by Seeedstudio),
* that creates a digital raincloud effect, lightning and all. Add a bit of cotton wool to the top of the
* cube and the project really comes alive.
* Acknowledgements:
* My son suggested putting cotton wool on the top. This simple suggestion made all the difference.
* The Seeedstudio Rainbowduino WIKI page is a great place to get started with this cube.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The Rainowduino-v3 library by unwiredben was used in this project.
* The Rainbowduino-v3 library can be found here:
* The FastLED library was used for the random8() function.
* The FastLED library can be installed via the IDE:
* Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries : then search for FastLED
* Select the latest version, and then select INSTALL.
* I used version 3.2.0
============================================================================ */
#include <FastLED.h>
#include <Rainbowduino.h>
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* xPos,yPos = allows us to select a specific LED position in a layer.
* randomLED = is used to select the random LED from which rain falls
* cRed, cGreen, cBlue = allows slight variations in colour of the raindrops.
* topR, topG, topB = restores the colours of the top layer after the lightning effect
* rainChance = affects the frequency/amount of rainfall
* rainSpeed = the speed at which the rain falls. Recommend you set this between 2-5.
* lightningChance = affect the frequency of lightning
unsigned char xPos[16] = {0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3};
unsigned char yPos[16] = {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3};
int randomLED = 0;
int cRed[4][16];
int cGreen[4][16];
int cBlue[4][16];
int topR[16];
int topG[16];
int topB[16];
int rainChance;
int rainSpeed = 5;
int lightningChance;
* Initialise the Rainbowduino 4x4x4 RGB LED cube and the colour arrays
void setup() {
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
for(int j=0; j<16; j++){
cRed[i][j] = 0;
cGreen[i][j] = 0;
cBlue[i][j] = 0;
* Randomise the chance of a lightning strike with every loop. Probability = 5%
* Randomise the chance of a rain drop. Probability = 40%
* Randomise the LED from which the rain drop falls from
* Randomise the colour of the raindrop, with a bias towards blue colours
* Record the colour of the raindrop into the topR, topG, and topB arrays.
* Then update the display to start the raindrop animation.
void loop() {
rainChance = random8(100);
randomLED = random8(16);
topR[randomLED] = cRed[3][randomLED];
topG[randomLED] = cGreen[3][randomLED];
topB[randomLED] = cBlue[3][randomLED];
* updateDisplay:
* This function is responsible for the raindrop animation.
* Illuminate the randomLED
* Move the raindrop down to the next level with every cycle
* Gradually fade the LEDs on every cycle, and prevent the values from dropping below zero
* Update the LED brightness and rain drop animation sequence on the lower levels of the cube.
* The delay at the end, will determine the speed of the raindrop animation (larger values are slower)
void updateDisplay(){
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
for(int j=0; j<16; j++){
// Illuminate the randomLED on the top layer
Rb.setPixelZXY(3,xPos[j],yPos[j], topR[j],topG[j],topB[j]);
// Move the raindrop down to the next level
cRed[i-1][j] = cRed[i][j];
cGreen[i-1][j] = cGreen[i][j];
cBlue[i-1][j] = cBlue[i][j];
// Gradually fade the LEDs - Please note: the top layer is not affected
cRed[i][j] = 0;
cGreen[i][j] = 0;
cBlue[i][j] = 0;
// Update the LED brightness and rain drop animation sequence on the lower levels.
//Set the speed of the raindrop animation sequence
* lightning:
* The LEDs will be set to flash a random number of times (0 to 19 times)
* But the flash may or may not always occur.
* If the flash does occur, then there is a 50% chance that any particular LED will join in.
* The LED will illuminate to full brightness WHITE (255,255,255)
* They will stay illuminated for 20 to 70 milliseconds
* and then return back to their normal colour for 0 to 20 milliseconds until the next flash.
* We do not want the rain animation to stop when the lightning is flashing, so we need to update
* the raindrop sequence from time to time. I did this randomly to eliminate any PERCEIVED delay from the
* lightning sequence.
* The lightning sequence and pattern is very RANDOM, which makes it very realistic.
void lightning(){
int chance = random8(20);
for(int k=0; k<chance; k++){
for(int j=0; j<16; j++){
chance = random8(100);
for(int j=0; j<16; j++){
chance = random8(100);
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