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Last active August 9, 2024 15:57
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Navigating Youtube-Music without reload:

const id = getChannelID() || getOriginalAlbumID

note: albumID needs to be in original format, like in this link

and not like the address that it redirects to (

also you can "navigate" songs in the video player with api.loadVideoById() / api.loadVideoByUrl() (both in youtube and youtube-music)


$('#movie_player').addEventListener('videodatachange', (name, data) => console.log(name, data))
$('#movie_player').addEventListener('onStateChange', console.log);
$('#movie_player').addEventListener('onAdEnd', console.log);
$('#movie_player').addEventListener('onPlaybackStartExternal', console.log);


const moviePlayer = $("#movie_player")

moviePlayer.getPlayerState() = {
 1: playing
 2: paused
 5: not loaded yet !important // could be used to determine first song hasn't started

function playPause() {
	switch (moviePlayer.getPlayerState()) {
		case 1: moviePlayer.pauseVideo(); return;
		case 2: moviePlayer.playVideo(); return;


moviePlayer.getVideoData() //MUSIC DATA
moviePlayer.getPlayerResponse() //FULL

moviePlayer.classList.contains("paused-mode") = video paused //("playing-mode") = video playing

moviePlayer.getProgressState() // .current, .duration and more
moviePlayer.getCurrentTime(), moviePlayer.getDuration()



// length -2 should be smallest


(8) [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2]


moviePlayer.isMuted() = moviePlayer.hasOwnProperty('unMute')

if (newVolume > 0 && moviePlayer.isMuted()) {
} else if (newVolume === 0 && moviePlayer.hasOwnProperty('mute')) {



EXTERNAL API: (moviePlayer.getApiInterface)

  1. cueVideoById()

  2. loadVideoById()

  3. cueVideoByUrl()

  4. loadVideoByUrl()

  5. playVideo()

  6. pauseVideo()

  7. stopVideo()

  8. clearVideo()

  9. getVideoBytesLoaded()

  10. getVideoBytesTotal()

  11. getVideoLoadedFraction()

  12. getVideoStartBytes()

  13. cuePlaylist()

  14. loadPlaylist()

  15. nextVideo()

  16. previousVideo()

  17. playVideoAt()

  18. setShuffle()

  19. setLoop()

  20. getPlaylist()

  21. getPlaylistIndex()

  22. getPlaylistId()

  23. loadModule()

  24. unloadModule()

  25. setOption()

  26. getOption()

  27. getOptions()

  28. mute()

  29. unMute()

  30. isMuted()

  31. setVolume()

  32. getVolume()

  33. seekTo()

  34. getPlayerState()

  35. getPlaybackRate()

  36. setPlaybackRate()

  37. getAvailablePlaybackRates()

  38. getPlaybackQuality()

  39. setPlaybackQuality()

  40. getAvailableQualityLevels()

  41. getCurrentTime()

  42. getDuration()

  43. addEventListener()

  44. removeEventListener()

  45. getDebugText()

  46. getVideoData()

  47. addCueRange()

  48. removeCueRange()

  49. setSize()

  50. getApiInterface()

  51. destroy()

  52. showVideoInfo()

  53. hideVideoInfo()

  54. isVideoInfoVisible()

  55. getSphericalProperties()

  56. setSphericalProperties()

  57. getVideoEmbedCode()

  58. getVideoUrl()

  59. getMediaReferenceTime()

  60. cueVideoByPlayerVars()

  61. loadVideoByPlayerVars()

  62. preloadVideoByPlayerVars()

  63. seekBy()

  64. mutedAutoplay()

  65. showControls()

  66. hideControls()

  67. cancelPlayback()

  68. getProgressState()

  69. isInline()

  70. setInline()

  71. getStoryboardFormat()

  72. getVideoContentRect()

  73. toggleFullscreen()

  74. isFullscreen()

  75. getVideoStats()

  76. getPlayerSize()

  77. toggleSubtitles()

  78. setCenterCrop()

  79. handleGlobalKeyDown()

  80. handleGlobalKeyUp()

  81. setSizeStyle()

  82. wakeUpControls()

EXTERNAL API. (moviePlayer.getInternalApiInterface())

  1. cueVideoById()

  2. loadVideoById()

  3. cueVideoByUrl()

  4. loadVideoByUrl()

  5. playVideo()

  6. pauseVideo()

  7. stopVideo()

  8. clearVideo()

  9. getVideoBytesLoaded()

  10. getVideoBytesTotal()

  11. getVideoLoadedFraction()

  12. getVideoStartBytes()

  13. cuePlaylist()

  14. loadPlaylist()

  15. nextVideo()

  16. previousVideo()

  17. playVideoAt()

  18. setShuffle()

  19. setLoop()

  20. getPlaylist()

  21. getPlaylistIndex()

  22. getPlaylistId()

  23. loadModule()

  24. unloadModule()

  25. setOption()

  26. getOption()

  27. getOptions()

  28. mute()

  29. unMute()

  30. isMuted()

  31. setVolume()

  32. getVolume()

  33. seekTo()

  34. getPlayerState()

  35. getPlaybackRate()

  36. setPlaybackRate()

  37. getAvailablePlaybackRates()

  38. getPlaybackQuality()

  39. setPlaybackQuality()

  40. getAvailableQualityLevels()

  41. getCurrentTime()

  42. getDuration()

  43. addEventListener()

  44. removeEventListener()

  45. getDebugText()

  46. getVideoData()

  47. addCueRange()

  48. removeCueRange()

  49. setSize()

  50. getApiInterface()

  51. destroy()

  52. showVideoInfo()

  53. hideVideoInfo()

  54. isVideoInfoVisible()

  55. getSphericalProperties()

  56. setSphericalProperties()

  57. getVideoEmbedCode()

  58. getVideoUrl()

  59. getMediaReferenceTime()

  60. getInternalApiInterface()

  61. cueVideoByPlayerVars()

  62. loadVideoByPlayerVars()

  63. preloadVideoByPlayerVars()

  64. getAdState()

  65. sendAbandonmentPing()

  66. setLoopRange()

  67. getLoopRange()

  68. setAutonavState()

  69. seekToLiveHead()

  70. seekToStreamTime()

  71. seekToChapterWithAnimation()

  72. startSeekCsiAction()

  73. getStreamTimeOffset()

  74. setIsExternalPlaylist()

  75. downloadVideo()

  76. refreshAllVideos()

  77. deleteVideos()

  78. deleteAllVideos()

  79. isOrchestrationLeader()

  80. getAppState()

  81. addInfoCardXml()

  82. updateLastActiveTime()

  83. setBlackout()

  84. setAccountLinkState()

  85. updateAccountLinkingConfig()

  86. setUserEngagement()

  87. updateSubtitlesUserSettings()

  88. setFauxFullscreen()

  89. setUseFastSizingOnWatch()

  90. getPresentingPlayerType()

  91. canPlayType()

  92. updatePlaylist()

  93. updateVideoData()

  94. updateEnvironmentData()

  95. sendVideoStatsEngageEvent()

  96. setCardsVisible()

  97. productsInVideoVisibilityUpdated()

  98. setSafetyMode()

  99. isAtLiveHead()

  100. getVideoAspectRatio()

  101. getPreferredQuality()

  102. setPlaybackQualityRange()

  103. onAdUxClicked()

  104. getFeedbackProductData()

  105. getStoryboardFrame()

  106. getStoryboardFrameIndex()

  107. getStoryboardLevel()

  108. getNumberOfStoryboardLevels()

  109. getCaptionWindowContainerId()

  110. getAvailableQualityLabels()

  111. setAutonav()

  112. isNotServable()

  113. channelSubscribed()

  114. channelUnsubscribed()

  115. isPictureInPictureAllowed()

  116. togglePictureInPicture()

  117. supportsGaplessAudio()

  118. enqueueVideoByPlayerVars()

  119. clearQueue()

  120. isFastLoad()

  121. getPlayerResponse()

  122. getAudioTrack()

  123. setAudioTrack()

  124. getAvailableAudioTracks()

  125. getMaxPlaybackQuality()

  126. getUserPlaybackQualityPreference()

  127. getSubtitlesUserSettings()

  128. resetSubtitlesUserSettings()

  129. setMinimized()

  130. confirmYpcRental()

  131. setInlinePreview()

  132. toggleSubtitlesOn()

  133. handleExternalCall()

  134. isExternalMethodAvailable()

  135. getStatsForNerds()

  136. setScreenLayer()

  137. getCurrentPlaylistSequence()

  138. getPlaylistSequenceForTime()

  139. shouldSendVisibilityState()

  140. updateFullerscreenEduButtonVisibility()

  141. updateFullerscreenEduButtonSubtleModeState()

  142. setGlobalCrop()

  143. getVisibilityState()

  144. isMutedByMutedAutoplay()

  145. setInternalSize()

  146. seekBy()

  147. mutedAutoplay()

  148. showControls()

  149. hideControls()

  150. cancelPlayback()

  151. getProgressState()

  152. isInline()

  153. setInline()

  154. getStoryboardFormat()

  155. getVideoContentRect()

  156. toggleFullscreen()

  157. isFullscreen()

  158. getVideoStats()

  159. getPlayerSize()

  160. toggleSubtitles()

  161. setCenterCrop()

  162. handleGlobalKeyDown()

  163. handleGlobalKeyUp()

  164. setSizeStyle()

  165. wakeUpControls()

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tqk2811 commented Jun 20, 2021

How to stop autoplay next video in youtube? (turn off "auto play")
I was try but not work


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