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Forked from h14i/tmux-mouse-toggle
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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# tmux-mouse-toggle
# via
# Changes:
# - Modified 2015-07-27 by Araeos: modified shell code to work inline the .tmux.conf file with key binding.
# - Original gist by h14i
bind-key m run-shell "if [[ -n \$TMUX ]]; then \
if [[ -z \"$(tmux show-options -gw mode-mouse | grep off)\" ]]; then \
tmux set-option -gq mouse-utf8 off; \
tmux set-option -gq mouse-resize-pane off; \
tmux set-option -gq mouse-select-pane off; \
tmux set-option -gq mouse-select-window off; \
tmux set-window-option -gq mode-mouse off; \
tmux display-message \"Mouse: OFF\"; \
else \
tmux set-option -gq mouse-utf8 on; \
tmux set-option -gq mouse-resize-pane on; \
tmux set-option -gq mouse-select-pane on; \
tmux set-option -gq mouse-select-window on; \
tmux set-window-option -gq mode-mouse on; \
tmux display-message \"Mouse: ON\"; \
fi; \
exit 0; \
else \
echo \"not tmux session\"; \
exit 1; \
# vim: set ft=zsh:
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