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Thomas Stensitzki Apoc70

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Apoc70 / Move-ArchiveMailboxes.ps1
Last active September 17, 2024 10:02
Move archive mailboxes from a selected mailbox database to other databases
# fetch archive mailboxes from database
$database = 'MBDB1925'
$mbx =Get-Mailbox -Database $database -Archive | ?{$_.ArchiveDatabase -eq $database}
# some variable
$file = ('e:\Temp\{0}ArchiveUsers.csv' -f $database)
$batchName = ('{0}-Archive-Offboarding' -f $database)
# prepare batch user CSV file
$mbx | Select-Object -Property @{Name = 'EmailAddress'; Expression = {$_.PrimarySMTPAddress}} | Export-Csv -Path $file -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation
Apoc70 / events-tipps.json
Created September 11, 2024 14:37
Selected configuration examples for a single calendar event. This is not a usable JSON file. It is for reference only.
"eventAction": "create|delete",
"eventData": {
"isAllDay": true,
"showAs": "busy|oof|free|tentative|workingElsewhere",
"isreminderOn": false
Apoc70 / Move-UserMailboxes.ps1
Last active September 17, 2024 08:59
A few PowerShell lines for creating a new local mailbox migration batch
# Fetch all user mailboxes from database MBXDB01
$mbx = Get-Mailbox -Database MBXDB01
# Export fetched mailboxes to CSV
# Export using EmailAddress as fixed column header for batch creation
$mbx | Select-Object -Property @{Name = 'EmailAddress'; Expression = {$_.PrimarySMTPAddress}} | Export-Csv -Path C:\Temp\MBXDB01Users.csv -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation
# Create new migration batch with automatic start and automatic complete
# Distribute mailboxes to target databases MBXDB11, MBXDB12, MBXDB19
# Primary and an exisiting archive
Apoc70 / Get-ExchangeInfo.ps1
Last active June 26, 2024 08:56
Get Exchange org information for on-premises or Exchange Online as Xml
This script exports On-Premises Exchange Org and Exchange Online Org configurations to Xml
The script exports dat using Export-CLixml to the folder \Output
You must create the folder prior to excurting the script.
.PARAMETER Environment
The envrionment to query, either OnPremises or ExchangeOnline
Apoc70 / Get-ExchangeSecurityGroupsNestedMembers.ps1
Last active November 30, 2023 09:19
Export Exchange security group members
# This script exports all Exchange security groups that have members
# Empty groups are not included in the CSV output.
# Your domain DN
$Domain = 'DC=varunagroup,DC=de'
# Preferred domain controller FQDN
$DomainControllerFQDN = ''
# Fetch Exchange security groups
Apoc70 / Get-IisTlsBindings.ps1
Created October 25, 2023 13:28
Query the current IIS SSL Bindings and provide the IIS Site and bound certificate as output
# Original source:
# Updated the script for a sorted output on Exchange Servers
Import-Module -Name WebAdministration
Get-ChildItem -Path IIS:SSLBindings | Sort-Object Port | ForEach-Object -Process `
if ($_.Sites)
$certificate = Get-ChildItem -Path CERT:LocalMachine/My |
# Get EXO mailboxes by size
Get-ExoMailbox -RecipientTypeDetails UserMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Get-ExoMailboxStatistics | Sort TotalItemSize -Descending | Format-Table DisplayName, TotalItemSize, ItemCount
# New B2B user email address
$newEmailAddress = ""
# Update primary SMTP address for a selected user
$B2BUserToUpdate = ''
Set-MailUser $B2BUserToUpdate -ExternalEmailAddress "SMTP:$newEmailAddress" -WindowsEmailAddress $newEmailAddress
# Fetch all mail users
$DomainNameFilter = '*'
Get-MailUser -ResultSize Unlimited | ?{$_.ExternalEmailAddress -like $DomainNameFilter} | Sort-Object DisplayName | Select-Object DisplayName, PrimarySmtpAddress
Apoc70 / MessageModify.cs
Created March 10, 2023 17:24
Example for intercepting email messages in an Exchange 2010 transport queue
// AttachmentModify
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Example for intercepting email messages in an Exchange 2010 transport queue
// The example intercepts messages sent from a configurable email address(es)
// and checks the mail message for attachments have filename in to format
// Changing the filename of the attachments makes it easier for the information worker