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Forked from KarlRamstedt/Warframe Macros.ahk
Created December 31, 2021 00:34
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Spam macros for Slide-Attack, Ability, Primary-fire and Melee in Warframe. Including non-spam Contagion macro.
#NoEnv ; For performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases
SendMode Input ; For speed and reliability
SetBatchLines -1 ; No script sleep, for more consistent timing behavior. Default behavior is 10ms execution then 10ms sleep
ListLines Off ; Increase performance by a few percent by not logging the lines of code that are executed
; Modifiers: [+ = Shift] [^ = Ctrl] [# = Win] [! = Alt] [* = Ignores unspecified modifiers] [~ = Doesn't block normal function] [$ = Forces hook, preventing hotkey self-trigger] More info here:
; Time values are in ms(MilliSeconds), 1/1000 of a second. 1000/delay = activationsPerSecond. I.e: 50ms delay -> 1000/50 = 20 per sec
; Time values are typically rounded up to a multiple of 10ms by the Windows time-keeping system. So there's no point to Timer/Sleep values that aren't multiples of 10. Higher precision may be achieved via Loop+DllCall, but is rarely relevant and certainly doesn't matter for this script
global slideDelay := 110 ; 110 achieves max movement speed with Balla (with extremely high attack speed). Use higher delay for slower attack speeds. Too low a delay can yield normal, non-slide attacks. To find out the sweetspot for your weapon, see if you execute any non-slide attacks, then increase delay incrementally until they stop
global crouchDelay := 250 ; 125ms between notes for Octavia tracks. I recommend putting a purple "Melody" note in every column for best sync
global abilitySpam := [false, false, false, false]
global abilityDelay := [500, 9000, 15000, 2000] ; Delay between activations for ability 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively
global delayToModify := 4
global incrementIncrement := 50
global abilityDelayIncrement := 500
global abilityKeys := ["1", "2", "3", "4"] ; Keybind for each respective ability key. Change these to be the same as your ingame keybinds
#IfWinActive ahk_exe Warframe.x64.exe ; Only trigger hotkeys when Warframe is the active window
Hotkey, IfWinActive, ahk_exe Warframe.x64.exe ; Same, but for dynamically created hotkeys
global BoundFuncCache := {} ; A collection of bound functions for use in Timer stopping. Func(f).Bind(k) seems to create an object and return a reference to it, without caching the result, so manual caching is required to reference the same object
for i, key in abilityKeys {
toggleAbilityBF := Func("ToggleAbilitySpam").Bind(key)
Hotkey, % "$*<^>!" . key, % toggleAbilityBF ; AltGr+AbilityKey to toggle spam for that ability
selectBF := Func("SelectAbilityToModify").Bind(key)
Hotkey, % "#" . key, % selectBF ; Win+AbilityKey to select ability for modification of delay
BoundFuncCache[key] := Func("CastAbility").Bind(key)
delayToModify := IndexOf(key, abilityKeys)
i := IndexOf(key, abilityKeys)
abilitySpam[i] := !abilitySpam[i]
if (abilitySpam[i]){
CenteredToolTip("Ability " . i . " Spam On (Delay: " . abilityDelay[i] . "ms)") ; Periods concatenate strings
Send, % "{Blind}{" . key . "}"
tmp := BoundFuncCache[key] ; SetTimer doesn't support function references in expression mode, requiring a temporary variable and regular variable dereferencing
SetTimer, %tmp%, % abilityDelay[i]
} else {
CenteredToolTip("Ability " . i . " Spam Off")
tmp := BoundFuncCache[key]
SetTimer, %tmp%, Off
if (WinActive("ahk_exe Warframe.x64.exe"))
Send, % "{Blind}{" . key . "}" ; {Blind} fixes issues with a combined Sprint+Roll key; Without {Blind}, holding down Shift during a Send command will send {Shift Up}, then the key and then {Shift Down}, causing unintentional rolling
global spam := false
spamHotkeys := ["LButton", "XButton2", "MButton"] ; Hold one of these to spam that key. Just add a key to the array to automatically make it a new spam hotkey (same goes for removing)
for i, key in spamHotkeys { ; Creates hotkeys for each key in the array above
BoundFuncCache[key] := Func("SendBlind").Bind(key)
Hotkey, IfWinActive ; Make StopSpam work outside of Warframe to avoid button getting stuck when clicking on a different window
stopSpamBF := Func("StopSpam").Bind(BoundFuncCache[key])
Hotkey, % "~*" . key . " Up", % stopSpamBF
Hotkey, IfWinActive, ahk_exe Warframe.x64.exe ; Re-enable condition
spamBF := Func("Spam").Bind(key) ; Bind(BoundFunc) the Key to the Spam function to use it as input for the Hotkey Command
Hotkey, % "$*" . key, % spamBF ; $ to ensure Hotkeys can't trigger themselves
Send, % "{Blind}{" . key . " Down}" ; Required because ~ can't be used with KeyWait for blocking Auto-Repeat
if (spam){
tmp := BoundFuncCache[key] ; SetTimer doesn't support function references in expression mode, requiring a temporary variable and regular variable dereferencing
SetTimer, %tmp%, 50 ; Delay between activations in ms. 50ms = 20 times per second. Should be good for most use-cases
KeyWait, % key
SetTimer, %boundFunc%, Off
SendBlind(key){ ; Function-wrapper for the Send Command
Send, % "{Blind}{" . key . "}"
^L:: ; Ctrl+L toggles Spam On/Off
spam := !spam
if (spam)
CenteredToolTip("Spam On")
CenteredToolTip("Spam Off")
Send, {Blind}{XButton2} ; Melee key. Replace with the key you use
*!Q:: ; Alt+Q to throw Contagion. Most of the delays(Sleep) need to be longer than 2 frames, which at 60FPS is 2/60 = 33.33ms, i.e: 40 delay. Increase delay to 70 if you can't keep FPS above 60
Send, {Blind}{Space}
Sleep, 40 ; Too short delay = throw fizzles (no throw)
Send, {Blind}{Space}
Sleep, 40 ; Only needed when melee isn't the active weapon. Too short delay = throw fizzles. Works with <2 frames delay, but not 100% reliably
Send, {Blind}{RButton Down}
Sleep, 40 ; Too short delay = aim-glide gets stuck
Sleep, 40 ; ONLY NEEDED AS CLIENT. Too short delay = throw fizzles
Send, {Blind}{RButton Up}
; Shift+PageUp/Down to adjust delay between Slide-Attacks. Warframe uses a queue system for melee inputs; too low a delay can yield normal, non-slide attacks
slideDelay := slideDelay+10
CenteredToolTip("SlideDelay: " . slideDelay . "ms")
if (slideDelay > 10) ; Avoid 0 and negative values
slideDelay := slideDelay-10
CenteredToolTip("SlideDelay: " . slideDelay . "ms")
*+LAlt:: ; Triggers with Shift+LeftAlt, then keeps attacking while LeftAlt is held down
SetTimer, SlideAttack, %slideDelay%
KeyWait, LAlt
~*LAlt Up::
SetTimer, SlideAttack, Off
Send, {LCtrl Down} ; Crouch key. {Blind} is not used because it causes Alt to sometimes get stuck logically down
Send, {LCtrl Up} ; No delay needed between Crouch down and up. Has the bonus of removing the "shake" of spam-crouching
; Alt+PageUp/Down to adjust delay between crouches
crouchDelay := crouchDelay+10
CenteredToolTip("CrouchDelay: " . crouchDelay . "ms")
if (crouchDelay > 10)
crouchDelay := crouchDelay-10
CenteredToolTip("CrouchDelay: " . crouchDelay . "ms")
*!C:: ; Alt+C to spam crouch
Send, {Blind}{LCtrl Down}
SetTimer, CrouchSpam, %crouchDelay%
KeyWait, C
~*C Up::
Send, {Blind}{LCtrl Up}
SetTimer, CrouchSpam, Off
Send, {Blind}{LCtrl Up}
Sleep, 1
Send, {Blind}{LCtrl Down}
CenteredToolTip("Ability " . delayToModify . " Delay: " . abilityDelay[delayToModify] . "ms")
; AltGr+PageUp/Down to adjust delay between ability activations
abilityDelay[delayToModify] := abilityDelay[delayToModify]+abilityDelayIncrement
if (abilitySpam[delayToModify]){
tmp := BoundFuncCache[abilityKeys[delayToModify]]
SetTimer, %tmp%, % abilityDelay[delayToModify] ; Update running timers
if (abilityDelay[delayToModify] > abilityDelayIncrement) ; Avoid 0 and negative values
abilityDelay[delayToModify] := abilityDelay[delayToModify]-abilityDelayIncrement
if (abilitySpam[delayToModify]){
tmp := BoundFuncCache[abilityKeys[delayToModify]]
SetTimer, %tmp%, % abilityDelay[delayToModify]
; Win+PageUp/Down to adjust increment for adjusting delay between ability activations
abilityDelayIncrement := abilityDelayIncrement+incrementIncrement
CenteredToolTip("Ability Delay Increment: " . abilityDelayIncrement . "ms")
if (abilityDelayIncrement > incrementIncrement)
abilityDelayIncrement := abilityDelayIncrement-incrementIncrement
CenteredToolTip("Ability Delay Increment: " . abilityDelayIncrement . "ms")
!X:: ; Alt+X to skip transmission dialogue (AKA "Nightwave skip"). Made for 16:9 aspect ratios, change the MouseMove if your screen isn't 16:9 so the cursor lands on the Nightwave banner
Send, {Esc}
Sleep, 444 ; Wait for transition animation
MouseMove, % A_ScreenWidth*0.85, % A_ScreenHeight*0.87, 0 ; Use relative location rather than absolute so that it works with any 16:9 resolution. NOTE: Mouse Movement doesn't work in fullscreen mode
Sleep, 1 ; Needs delay between movement and Click
Click, down
Sleep, 1 ; Needs separate up and down events, otherwise the UI doesn't register the click
Click, up ; Essentially: Send, {Blind}{LButton Up}
Sleep, 444 ; Wait for transition animation
Send, {Esc}
CapsLock::5 ; Remaps CapsLock to 5. I'm using CapsLock as Transference key
#IfWinActive ; The next hotkeys work outside of Warframe too
^P::Suspend ; Ctrl+P toggles hotkeys On/Off
*#P::Pause ; Win+P toggles execution Pause
<^>!R::Reload ; AltGr+R reloads script
CenteredToolTip(text, duration = 999){ ; Duration in ms (MilliSeconds). Default value can be optionally overridden
ToolTip, %text%, A_ScreenWidth/2, A_ScreenHeight/2
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, -%duration% ; Negative to only trigger once
IndexOf(item, array){ ; Returns the index of the first item matching the input item
for i in array
if (array[i] == item)
return i
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