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Last active November 19, 2020 10:47
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  • Save AntoinePlu/85e77d57167bae90ac0d6aabc2d8ffed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AntoinePlu/85e77d57167bae90ac0d6aabc2d8ffed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"d": {
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"font": "Friz Quadrata TT",
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"animation": {
"main": {
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"duration_type": "seconds"
"start": {
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"duration_type": "seconds"
"finish": {
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"duration_type": "seconds"
"keepAspectRatio": false,
"uid": "6aWEt)Vqup8",
"cooldownEdge": false,
"xOffset": 0,
"desc": "Ajoute le nom du porteur de drapeau Alliance/Horde en haut de l'écran. Cliquez sur le nom pour target le porteur.",
"authorOptions": [
"desc": "Annonce quand le flag carrier est low HP dans le BG Chat",
"width": 1,
"name": "Annonce Flag Carrier Low HP",
"type": "toggle",
"useDesc": true,
"key": "AnnounceLowEFCHP",
"default": true
"height": 64,
"tocversion": 11304,
"wordWrap": "WordWrap",
"color": [
"selfPoint": "CENTER",
"actions": {
"init": {
"custom": "C_ChatInfo.RegisterAddonMessagePrefix(\"WSGFCNamesHP\")\nstr_alliance_flag_drop = \"Le drapeau de l'Alliance a été laché par \"\nstr_horde_flag_drop = \"Le drapeau de la Horde a été laché par \"\nstr_alliance_flag_cap = \"à capturé le drapeau de l'Alliance\"\nstr_horde_flag_cap = \"à capturé le drapeau de la Horde\"\nstr_alliance_flag_pickup = \"Le drapeau de l'Alliance a été ramassé par \"\nstr_horde_flag_pickup = \"Le drapeau de la Horde a été ramassé par \"\n\n\n\nlocal name_player, realm_player = UnitFullName(\"player\")\nFULLNAME_PLAYER = name_player .. \"-\" .. realm_player\n\ntime_addonmsg = 0\ntime_announce = 0\nhp_tracker = -1\n\nstr_faction_player = UnitFactionGroup(\"player\")\nWSG_TABLE = {\n [\"Alliance\"]={\n txt_flag_holder=nil,\n str_flag_holder=nil,\n str_flag_holder_macro = nil,\n time_announce=0,\n hp_tracker=1,\n hp_msg_send=\"\",\n hp_received=nil,\n hp_received_ts=0,\n },\n [\"Horde\"]={\n txt_flag_holder=nil,\n str_flag_holder=nil,\n str_flag_holder_macro = nil,\n time_announce=0,\n hp_tracker=1,\n hp_msg_send=\"\",\n hp_received=nil,\n hp_received_ts=0,\n },\n}\n\nGET_FLAG_HOLDER_HP = function(faction_flag)\n if str_faction_player ~= faction_flag then\n local unitname = WSG_TABLE[faction_flag].str_flag_holder\n local hp_cur = UnitHealth(unitname)\n local hp_max = UnitHealthMax(unitname) \n if hp_max > 0 then\n return hp_cur/hp_max\n end\n else\n for ii=1,10 do\n local unit = \"raid\" .. ii .. \"target\"\n if UnitExists(unit) then\n local hp_cur = UnitHealth(unit) \n local hp_max = UnitHealthMax(unit) \n local unitname = GET_NAME_WITH_REALM(unit)\n if unitname == WSG_TABLE[str_faction_player].str_flag_holder then\n if hp_max > 0 then\n return hp_cur/hp_max\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n return nil\nend\n\nGET_NAME_WITH_REALM = function(unit)\n if UnitExists(unit) then\n local name,realm = UnitName(unit)\n if realm and realm ~= \"\" then\n return name .. \"-\" .. realm\n else\n return name\n end\n else\n return nil\n end\nend\n\nGET_COLORED_NAME_FROM_BG_SCORE = function (playername)\n local function GetClassFromBGScore(name_target)\n --local numScores = GetNumBattlefieldScores()\n for i=1,20 do\n local name, killingBlows, honorableKills, deaths, honorGained, faction, rank, race, class, CLASS = GetBattlefieldScore(i);\n if name == name_target then\n return CLASS\n end\n end\n return nil\n end\n \n local function DecimalToHex(r,g,b)\n return string.format(\"|cff%02x%02x%02x\", r*255, g*255, b*255)\n end\n \n local r,g,b,classcolor,PLAYERCLASS\n \n if UnitInRaid(playername) then\n _,PLAYERCLASS = UnitClass(playername)\n else\n PLAYERCLASS = GetClassFromBGScore(playername)\n end\n \n if PLAYERCLASS then\n classcolor = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[PLAYERCLASS]\n r,g,b = classcolor.r,classcolor.g,classcolor.b\n else\n r,g,b = 0.5,0.5,0.5\n end\n \n local classcolorhex = DecimalToHex(r,g,b)\n return classcolorhex..playername..\"|r\"\nend\n\nINITIALIZE_FC_TEXT = function ()\n local p = {UIWidgetTopCenterContainerFrame:GetChildren()};\n local f\n for ii = 1,2 do\n f = p[ii]\n if f then\n if f.tooltip == \"Horde flag captures\" or f.tooltip == \"Alliance flag captures\" then\n if not f.TXT_FLAG_HOLDER and not InCombatLockdown() then\n local text_ = CreateFrame(\"Button\", nil, f, \"SecureUnitButtonTemplate\")\n text_:SetFrameStrata(\"MEDIUM\")\n text_:SetFrameLevel(15)\n text_:SetPoint(\"LEFT\",85,0)\n text_:SetAttribute(\"type\",\"macro\")\n text_:RegisterForClicks(\"AnyUp\")\n text_:SetAttribute('macrotext', '')\n \n text_.text = text_:CreateFontString(nil,\"ARTWORK\") \n text_.text:SetFont(\"Fonts\\\\FRIZQT__.TTF\", 14, \"OUTLINE\")\n text_.text:SetPoint(\"LEFT\",0,0)\n text_.text:SetText(\"\")\n \n text_:SetSize(text_.text:GetWidth(),text_.text:GetHeight())\n \n f.TXT_FLAG_HOLDER = text_\n end\n end\n if f.TXT_FLAG_HOLDER then\n if f.tooltip == \"Horde flag captures\" then\n WSG_TABLE[\"Alliance\"].txt_flag_holder = f.TXT_FLAG_HOLDER\n elseif f.tooltip == \"Alliance flag captures\" then\n WSG_TABLE[\"Horde\"].txt_flag_holder = f.TXT_FLAG_HOLDER\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nINITIALIZE_FC_TEXT()",
"do_custom": true
"start": {
"sound": " custom",
"do_sound": false
"finish": []
"cooldownTextDisabled": false,
"internalVersion": 26,
"customTextUpdate": "update",
"config": {
"AnnounceLowEFCHP": true
"auto": true,
"anchorPoint": "CENTER",
"justify": "LEFT",
"width": 64,
"alpha": 1,
"zoom": 0,
"id": "WSG Flag Carrier Names",
"frameStrata": 1,
"icon": true,
"displayIcon": 136155,
"conditions": [],
"customText": "",
"cooldownSwipe": true,
"automaticWidth": "Auto",
"inverse": false,
"load": {
"use_never": false,
"size": {
"multi": []
"use_zone": true,
"spec": {
"multi": []
"class": {
"multi": []
"talent": [],
"zone": "Warsong Gulch"
"subRegions": [],
"triggers": {
"1": {
"untrigger": [],
"trigger": {
"debuffType": "HELPFUL",
"messageType": "CHAT_MSG_RAID_BOSS_EMOTE",
"custom": "function(event,msg)\n if event == \"CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_ALLIANCE\" or event == \"CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_HORDE\" then\n INITIALIZE_FC_TEXT()\n if string.match(msg,str_horde_flag_pickup) then\n local name = string.gsub(string.gsub(msg,str_horde_flag_pickup,\"\"),\"!\",\"\")\n WSG_TABLE[\"Horde\"].str_flag_holder = name\n WSG_TABLE[\"Horde\"].hp_tracker = 1\n RequestBattlefieldScoreData()\n elseif string.match(msg,str_alliance_flag_pickup) then\n local name = string.gsub(string.gsub(msg,str_alliance_flag_pickup,\"\"),\"!\",\"\")\n WSG_TABLE[\"Alliance\"].str_flag_holder = name\n WSG_TABLE[\"Alliance\"].hp_tracker = 1\n RequestBattlefieldScoreData()\n elseif string.match(msg,str_horde_flag_drop) or string.match(msg,str_horde_flag_cap) then\n WSG_TABLE[\"Horde\"].str_flag_holder = nil\n WSG_TABLE[\"Horde\"].hp_tracker = 1\n elseif string.match(msg,str_alliance_flag_drop) or string.match(msg,str_alliance_flag_cap) then\n WSG_TABLE[\"Alliance\"].str_flag_holder = nil\n WSG_TABLE[\"Alliance\"].hp_tracker = 1\n end\n end\n \n \nend\n\n\n",
"message_operator": "find('%s')",
"names": [],
"custom_type": "event",
"custom_hide": "timed",
"message": "the sting of defeat at the conclusion of the Third War",
"unevent": "timed",
"spellIds": [],
"use_messageType": false,
"unit": "player",
"event": "Chat Message",
"type": "custom",
"subeventSuffix": "_CAST_START",
"subeventPrefix": "SPELL",
"use_message": false
"2": {
"untrigger": [],
"trigger": {
"custom": "function()\n local f, hp, txt\n local in_combat = InCombatLockdown()\n local time_cur = GetTime()\n \n for _,faction in pairs({\"Alliance\",\"Horde\"}) do\n f = WSG_TABLE[faction].txt_flag_holder\n if f then\n txt = \"\"\n if WSG_TABLE[faction].str_flag_holder then\n txt = txt .. GET_COLORED_NAME_FROM_BG_SCORE(WSG_TABLE[faction].str_flag_holder)\n \n hp = GET_FLAG_HOLDER_HP(faction)\n if hp then\n txt = txt .. string.format(\" (%.1f%%) \",hp*100)\n if faction == str_faction_player then\n local msg_addon = string.format(\"%s@%.4f\",WSG_TABLE[faction].str_flag_holder,hp)\n if msg_addon ~= WSG_TABLE[faction].hp_msg_send or (time_cur - time_addonmsg) > 1 then\n time_addonmsg = time_cur\n WSG_TABLE[faction].hp_msg_send = msg_addon\n C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage(\"WSGFCNamesHP\",msg_addon,\"INSTANCE_CHAT\")\n end\n end\n elseif faction == str_faction_player then\n if WSG_TABLE[faction].hp_received and (time_cur - WSG_TABLE[faction].hp_received_ts) < 5 then\n txt = txt .. string.format(\" |cff7f7f7f(%.1f%%)|r \",WSG_TABLE[faction].hp_received*100)\n else\n WSG_TABLE[faction].hp_received = nil\n WSG_TABLE[faction].hp_received_ts = 0\n end\n end\n \n if hp and hp < 0.5 then\n if math.abs(hp-WSG_TABLE[faction].hp_tracker) >= 0.10 and (time_cur - WSG_TABLE[faction].time_announce) > 3 then\n WSG_TABLE[faction].hp_tracker = hp\n WSG_TABLE[faction].time_announce = time_cur\n if aura_env.config[\"AnnounceLowEFCHP\"] and faction == str_faction_player then\n local str = string.format(\">>> ENEMY FC: %.1f%% <<<\",hp*100)\n SendChatMessage(str,\"INSTANCE_CHAT\")\n else\n --local str = string.format(\"*** OUR FC: %.1f%% ***\",hp*100)\n --SendChatMessage(str,\"INSTANCE_CHAT\")\n end\n end\n elseif hp then\n if math.abs(hp-WSG_TABLE[faction].hp_tracker) >= 0.10 then\n WSG_TABLE[faction].hp_tracker = hp\n end\n else\n if (time_cur-WSG_TABLE[faction].time_announce) > 30 then\n WSG_TABLE[faction].hp_tracker = 1\n end\n end\n \n if in_combat and WSG_TABLE[faction].str_flag_holder ~= WSG_TABLE[faction].str_flag_holder_macro then\n txt = txt .. \" (Unclickable)\"\n end\n end\n f.text:SetText(txt)\n \n if not in_combat then\n if WSG_TABLE[faction].str_flag_holder then\n f:SetAttribute('macrotext', '/targetexact ' .. WSG_TABLE[faction].str_flag_holder)\n else\n f:SetAttribute('macrotext', '')\n end\n WSG_TABLE[faction].str_flag_holder_macro = WSG_TABLE[faction].str_flag_holder\n f:SetSize(f.text:GetWidth(),f.text:GetHeight())\n end\n end\n end\n return true\nend",
"subeventPrefix": "SPELL",
"custom_hide": "timed",
"event": "Health",
"type": "custom",
"subeventSuffix": "_CAST_START",
"custom_type": "status",
"check": "update"
"3": {
"untrigger": [],
"trigger": {
"custom": "function(event,prefix,msg,channel,sender)\n \n if event == \"CHAT_MSG_ADDON\" and prefix == \"WSGFCNamesHP\" and channel == \"INSTANCE_CHAT\" and sender ~= FULLNAME_PLAYER then\n local name = string.match(msg,\"(.*)@\")\n local hp = string.match(msg,\"@(.*)\")\n if hp then hp = tonumber(hp) end\n if name and name == WSG_TABLE[str_faction_player].str_flag_holder and hp then\n WSG_TABLE[str_faction_player].hp_received = hp\n WSG_TABLE[str_faction_player].hp_received_ts = GetTime()\n end\n end\n \n \nend",
"subeventPrefix": "SPELL",
"custom_hide": "timed",
"event": "Health",
"type": "custom",
"subeventSuffix": "_CAST_START",
"custom_type": "event",
"events": "CHAT_MSG_ADDON"
"disjunctive": "any",
"activeTriggerMode": 2
"displayText": "",
"anchorFrameType": "SCREEN",
"fixedWidth": 200,
"fontSize": 14,
"url": "",
"version": 5,
"semver": "1.0.4"
"m": "d",
"s": "2.16.6",
"v": 1421,
"wagoID": "84b4-N5KZ"
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