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Last active January 1, 2020 08:45
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cotEditor script/ wrap with ...
-- Created by: mitoxys
-- Created on: 20/1/1
-- Copyright ©2019, All Rights Reserved
use AppleScript version "2.7"
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
to template_content to pool_name
set TemplatePool to {underlined_red:"<span class=\"highlight_underlined_red\">䷖</span>", bg_blue:"<span class=\"highlight_bg_blue\">䷖</span>", bg_orange:"<span class=\"highlight_bg_orange\">䷖</span>", bg_purple:"<span class=\"highlight_bg_purple\">䷖</span>"}
set TemplatePoolData to my (NSDictionary's dictionaryWithDictionary:TemplatePool)
set TemplatePoolDataKeys to TemplatePoolData's allKeys()
if (TemplatePoolDataKeys as list) contains pool_name then
set item_value to TemplatePoolData's valueForKey:pool_name
return item_value as text
return false
end if
end template_content
on template_fill into template under content
set saveTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
set resultText to ""
set templateParts to (text items of template as list)
set maxLength to length of templateParts
repeat with idx from 1 to maxLength
if idx comes before maxLength then
set resultText to resultText & item idx of templateParts & content
set resultText to resultText & item idx of templateParts
end if
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveTID
return resultText
end template_fill
on selection_text into thisDocument under range
set documentText to thisDocument
set selectionRange to range
set startPos to item 1 of selectionRange
set selectionLength to item 2 of selectionRange
set endPos to startPos + selectionLength
set selectionText to characters startPos thru endPos of documentText
return selectionText as text
end selection_text
tell application "CotEditor"
set styleList to
"underlined_red", ¬
"bg_blue", ¬
"bg_orange", ¬
set thisDocumentText to contents of front document
set selectionRange to range of selection of front document
set selectionText to selection_text of me into thisDocumentText under selectionRange
choose from list styleList with title "选择所选文字外套样式" with prompt "选择一项" default items {"bg_blue"} OK button name "确定" cancel button name "取消"
if the result is not false then
set styleName to item 1 of the result
set templateText to template_content of me to styleName
if templateText is not false then
set resultText to template_fill of me into templateText under selectionText
set contents of selection of front document to resultText
end if
end if
end tell
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