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Created April 13, 2020 07:30
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* Goal
* - Deploy a proxy contract and exexute a tx to send erc20 token from proxy contract
* - Proxy contract doesn't need to pay gas fee
* Ehereum node
* - Using Rinkeby testnet
const ethers = require('ethers');
const Web3 = require('web3');
const abi = require('./abi');
const bytecodes = require('./bytecodes');
* For Rinkeby
const token = process.env.INFURA_TOKEN;
const providerUrl = '' + token;
* For localhost
* You need to run ganache with --noVMErrorsOnRPCResponse
* e.g. ganache-cli -m "salute pony grab sound dad sister impulse guard rebel hub can aware" --noVMErrorsOnRPCResponse
// const providerUrl = 'HTTP://';
// Create Wallet
const mnemonic = process.env.MNEMONIC;
const httpProvider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(providerUrl);
const wallet = ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0").connect(httpProvider);
console.log(wallet.address, wallet.privateKey);
// Çreate web3
const web3 = new Web3(providerUrl);
* Deploy master copies of GnosisSafe and ProxyFactory
* @returns {object} { proxyFactoryAddress, gnosisSafeAddress }
const deployMasterCopies = async function() {
const ProxyFactory = new ethers.ContractFactory(abi.ProxyFactory, bytecodes.proxyFactory, wallet);
const GnosisSafe = new ethers.ContractFactory(abi.GnosisSafe, bytecodes.GnosisSafe, wallet);
const proxyFactory = await ProxyFactory.deploy();
const gnosisSafe = await GnosisSafe.deploy();
return { proxyFactoryAddress: proxyFactory.address, gnosisSafeAddress: gnosisSafe.address };
* Create Proxy Contract
* @param {string} proxyFactoryAddress
* @param {string} gnosisSafeAddress
* @returns {string} proxy address
const createProxyContract = async function(proxyFactoryAddress, gnosisSafeAddress) {
// Get Creation Data
const gnosisSafeMasterCopy = new web3.eth.Contract(abi.GnosisSafe, gnosisSafeAddress);
const creationData = gnosisSafeMasterCopy.methods.setup(
// console.log(creationData);
// Create Proxy
const proxyFactory = new ethers.Contract(proxyFactoryAddress, abi.ProxyFactory, wallet);
const tx = await proxyFactory.createProxy(gnosisSafeAddress, creationData);
console.log('Create Proxy:', tx.hash);
// Wait until the tx is mined
await tx.wait();
// Get the Proxy Address
const receipt = await web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx.hash);
// TODO: 如果 address 第一個字元是 0,會有問題
const proxyAddress = ethers.utils.hexStripZeros(receipt.logs[0].data);
console.log('Proxy Address:', proxyAddress);
return proxyAddress;
* Get the nonce of proxy contract
* @param {string} proxyAddress
* @returns {number} nonce
const getProxyContractNonce = async function(proxyAddress) {
const proxyContract = new ethers.Contract(proxyAddress, abi.GnosisSafe, wallet);
const nonce = await proxyContract.nonce();
const owners = await proxyContract.getOwners();
console.log('Owners:', owners);
return nonce.toNumber();
* Execute a tx to send ETH from Proxy Contract
* @param {string} proxyAddress proxy address
* @param {string} to address
* @param {string} destination address
* @param {string} value
* @param {number} nonce
* @param {string} gnosisSafeAddress
* @returns {string} tx hash
const executeTokenTx = async function(proxyAddress, to, destination, value, nonce, gnosisSafeAddress) {
const proxyContract = new ethers.Contract(proxyAddress, abi.GnosisSafe, wallet);
// Set parameters of execTransaction()
const valueWei = web3.utils.toWei('0', 'ether'); // 0 ETH
const tokenContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi.erc20Token, to);
const data = tokenContract.methods.transfer(destination, web3.utils.toWei(value, 'ether')).encodeABI(); // Encode data of token transfer()
console.log('Data payload:', data);
const operation = 0; // CALL
const gasPrice = 0; // If 0, then no refund to relayer
const gasToken = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; // ETH
const executor = wallet.address;
// Get safe tx estimated gas:
// To avoid that this method can be used inside a transaction two security measures have been put in place:
// 1. The method can only be called from the Safe itself
// 2. The response is returned with a revert
// NOTICE: If you want to run npx truffle test you need to start a ganache-cli instance. For this it is required to use the --noVMErrorsOnRPCResponse option.
// This option will make sure that ganache-cli behaves the same as other clients (e.g. geth and parity) when handling reverting calls to contracts.
let txGasEstimate = 0
try {
const gnosisSafeMasterCopy = new web3.eth.Contract(abi.GnosisSafe, gnosisSafeAddress);
const estimateData = gnosisSafeMasterCopy.methods.requiredTxGas(to, valueWei, data, operation).encodeABI();
// console.log('EstimateData:', estimateData);
const estimateResponse = await{to: proxyAddress, from: proxyAddress, data: estimateData, gasPrice: 0});
txGasEstimate = new web3.utils.BN(estimateResponse.substring(138), 16);
txGasEstimate = txGasEstimate.toNumber() + 10000; // Add 10k else we will fail in case of nested calls
console.log("Safe Tx Gas estimate: " + txGasEstimate);
} catch(e) {
console.log("Could not estimate gas:", 3);
// Get estimated base gas (Gas costs for that are indipendent of the transaction execution(e.g. base transaction fee, signature check, payment of the refund))
let baseGasEstimate = 0; // If one of the owners executes this transaction it is not really required to set this (so it can be 0) TODO: if using erc20 token
// Create typed data hash
const transactionHash = await proxyContract.getTransactionHash(
to, valueWei, data, operation, txGasEstimate, baseGasEstimate, gasPrice, gasToken, executor, nonce,
console.log('Transaction hash (typed data):', transactionHash);
// Sign typed data, 只有在 local 執行時可以取得 smart contract return value
// 要用 eth_signTypedData 或如果用 eth_sign v 要 +4
const signature = await web3.eth.accounts.sign(transactionHash, wallet.privateKey);
console.log('Signature 1:', signature.signature);
// Try to recover my adderss
const recovered = web3.eth.accounts.recover(transactionHash, signature.signature);
console.log('Recover:', recovered, ';Wallet address:', wallet.address); // Should be: 0xBdF726e6eBA19342478415aF22ec097efc94258f
// v + 4
const sig = ethers.utils.splitSignature(signature);
const newSignature = `${sig.r}${sig.s.substring(2)}${Number(sig.v + 4).toString(16)}`;
console.log('Signature 2:', newSignature);
// Call proxy contract to execute Tx
console.log('-----Execute Tx');
const tx = await proxyContract.execTransaction(
to, valueWei, data, operation, txGasEstimate, baseGasEstimate, gasPrice, gasToken, executor, newSignature,
console.log('Execute tx:', tx.hash);
await tx.wait();
return tx.hash;
* 使用 localhost 測試
// deployMasterCopies().then(async function (result){
// try {
// console.log('-----Deploy master copies:', result);
// const { proxyFactoryAddress, gnosisSafeAddress } = result;
// // Deploy proxy contract
// const proxyAddress= await createProxyContract(proxyFactoryAddress, gnosisSafeAddress);
// // Get current nonce
// const nonce = await getProxyContractNonce(proxyAddress);
// console.log('Nonce:', nonce);
// // Send 0.002 ETH to proxy contract
// const tx = await wallet.sendTransaction({ to: proxyAddress, value: ethers.utils.parseEther('0.01')});
// await tx.wait();
// console.log('-----Send 0.01 ETH:', tx.hash);
// // Execute tx to send 0.001 ETH
// console.log('-----Start Withdraw ETH');
// const txHash = await executeTx(proxyAddress, '0x4378Faec5cCfCC6B9E1A8174435eB4354398EDdd', '0.001', nonce, gnosisSafeAddress);
// console.log('-----Withdraw 0.001 ETH:', txHash);
// } catch (e) {
// console.log(e);
// }
// });
* 使用 Rinkeby 測試
const proxyFactoryAddress = '0x76E2cFc1F5Fa8F6a5b3fC4c8F4788F0116861F9B'; // Rinkeby
const gnosisSafeAddress = '0x34CfAC646f301356fAa8B21e94227e3583Fe3F5F'; // Rinkeby
const tokenAddress = '0x68a6481263fd2270489e0d174148ceb27096e175'; // MK7 token
createProxyContract(proxyFactoryAddress, gnosisSafeAddress).then(async function (proxyAddress){
// Get current nonce
const nonce = await getProxyContractNonce(proxyAddress);
console.log('Nonce:', nonce);
// 如將 gasPrice 設為 0,就不需要 refund 手續費給 relayer,所以也不用先送 ETH 給 proxy contract
// const tx = await wallet.sendTransaction({ to: proxyAddress, value: ethers.utils.parseEther('0.001')});
// await tx.wait();
// console.log('Send 0.001 ETH:', tx.hash);
// Send 0.1 MK7 to proxy contract
const tokenContract = new ethers.Contract(tokenAddress, abi.erc20Token, wallet);
const tx2 = await tokenContract.transfer(proxyAddress, ethers.utils.parseEther('0.1'));
await tx2.wait();
console.log('Send 0.1 MK7:', tx2.hash);
// Execute tx to withdraw 0.1 MK7
const txHash = await executeTokenTx(
console.log('Withdraw 0.1 MK7 token:', txHash);
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