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Created September 20, 2024 13:22
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Make a new file at the root folder called dc without extension.

Content example. Modify for your needs.

trap "exit" 0
DC="docker compose" # add  `-f docker/compose.yml` if it's in another folder

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
    $DC ps -a
elif [ $1 == "up" ]; then
    $DC up -d
elif [ $1 == "php" ]; then
    if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
        $DC exec php su app -c "${*:2}"
        $DC exec php su app
elif [ $1 == "c" ]; then
    $DC exec php su app -c "composer ${*:2}"
elif [ $1 == "ci" ]; then
    $DC exec php su app -c 'composer install'
elif [ $1 == "recreate" ]; then
    $DC up -d --force-recreate ${*:2}
elif [ $1 == "build" ]; then
    $DC up -d --force-recreate --build ${*:2}
    $DC $*

Give execute permission with chmod +x ./dc

And now you can run:

  • ./dc - to show all containers with status
  • ./dc up - to start in detached mode
  • ./dc ci - to run composer install in the php container as user app
  • ./dc c require spatie/image - to run any composer command inside php container
  • ./dc php - interactive exec inside php container
  • ./dc php ls -alh - run any command inside php container
  • ./dc recreate - applies any modifications to docker-compose.yml
  • ./dc recreate php - applies modifications to compose, only for php container
  • ./dc build - if you have a custom dockerfile, does run dc up with a fresh build.
  • ./dc logs -n 10 -f php - any other docker-compose command works as expected.
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