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Last active May 14, 2020 00:22
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Constructing finitary inductive types from natural numbers
{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
Claim: finitary inductive types are constructible from Π,Σ,Uᵢ,_≡_ and ℕ, without
quotients. Sketch in two parts.
1. First, construction of finitary inductive types from Π, Σ, Uᵢ, _≡_ and binary trees.
Here I only show this for really simple, single-sorted closed inductive types,
but it should work for indexed inductive types as well.
The method is the following: we inductively define signatures as typing contexts,
and a type for constructor terms. Then for every signature we can construct an
initial (term) model. This is a minimal simply-typed version of "Constructing
Quotient Inductive-Inductive Types".
Every type which we use here can be straightforwardly constructed from binary trees,
using recursively defined annotations and well-formedness predicates. E.g. natural
numbers are linear trees, and constructors terms are given with a typing predicate
on trees.
Also, it seems that if we construct any particular type from binary trees, we get
strict computation rules for elimination. This could be useful for a "practical"
reduction for inductive types.
In this file I only get terms (for the theory of signatures) from trees, and I import other
types. I do this because when everything is given with trees, I get confusing
pattern coverage checking behavior from Agda and lots of coding noise.
2. Binary trees are constructible from Π, Σ, Uᵢ, _≡_, and ℕ, with weak computation rules.
This paper gives a construction of finitary inductive types from natural
numbers and set quotients, which they derive from function and prop extensionality.
But it turns out we don't need quotients! In part 1 I sketched constructing
finitary inductive types from binary tress, so here we set out to construct
binary trees from natural numbers.
The classical approach (also used in the above paper) to get binary trees, is
to take the fixpoint of the functor F = λ A → ⊤ ⊎ (A × A), defined as the
quotient (Σ ℕ λ n → Fⁿ ⊥)/R, where R relates representations of the same tree
at different n-levels of Fⁿ⊥ approximation.
We can ditch quotients if every tree is uniquely represented. That's doable
by defining a "height : (n : ℕ) → Fⁿ ⊥ → ℕ" function, then defining Tree as
(Σ ℕ λ n → Σ (Fⁿ ⊥) λ t → height t ≡ n), which results in cutting out the
redundant trees. So it is clear that this trick only works for finitary trees
for which height is computable. My actual definition for Tree here is a more direct
one which allows easier formalization in Agda.
However, parts 1 and 2 can only be linked automatically if we work in extensional TT,
because in this part we only show propositional computation rules for trees.
It's still believable though that for many inductive types, a direct construction
from natural numbers (without going through trees) is doable without UIP and funext.
If we combine this with previous results:
Page 63 of:
and some goodwill, we get that:
Any finitary inductive type (large, indexed, inductive-inductive, you name it)
can be reduced in *extensional type theory* to Π,Σ,Uᵢ,ℕ,_≡_.
We need the extensional part because reductions of ind-ind types only work
so far with UIP and funext.
As related work, I shall also mention this abstract, which is a really nice
reduction of inductive types:
However, this work assumes univalence and propositional resizing.
-- Library
open import Agda.Primitive hiding (_⊔_)
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Nat hiding (_<_)
open import Data.Product renaming (proj₁ to ₁; proj₂ to ₂)
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Unit
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
_◾_ = trans; infixr 4 _◾_
_⁻¹ = sym; infix 6 _⁻¹
ap = cong
tr = subst
J : {α β}{A : Set α} {x : A}
(P : {y : A} x ≡ y Set β) P refl {y}(p : x ≡ y) P p
J P pr refl = pr
hedberg :
{α}{A : Set α}
((x y : A) (x ≡ y) ⊎ (x ≢ y))
{x y : A}(p q : x ≡ y) p ≡ q
hedberg {_}{A} eq? {x}{y} p q =
f-inv p ⁻¹ ◾ ap (_◾ f refl ⁻¹) (f-const p q) ◾ f-inv q
f : {x y : A} x ≡ y x ≡ y
f {x}{y} p with eq? x y
... | inj₁ eq = eq
... | inj₂ ¬eq = ⊥-elim (¬eq p)
f-const : {x y} p q f {x}{y} p ≡ f q
f-const {x}{y} p q with eq? x y
... | inj₁ eq = refl
... | inj₂ ¬eq = ⊥-elim (¬eq q)
f-inv : {x y} p (f {x}{y} p ◾ f refl ⁻¹) ≡ p
f-inv refl = J (λ p (p ◾ p ⁻¹) ≡ refl) refl (f refl)
data ABC (A B C : Set) : Set where
inᵃ : A ABC A B C
inᵇ : B ABC A B C
inᶜ : C ABC A B C
infix 3 _<_
data _<_ : Set where -- also definable by recursion on ℕ
here : {n} n < suc n
there : {n m} n < m n < suc m
<-trs : {n m k} n < m m < k n < k
<-trs p here = there p
<-trs p (there q) = there (<-trs p q)
pred< : {n m} suc n < m n < m
pred< here = there here
pred< (there p) = there (pred< p)
0<s : n 0 < suc n
0<s zero = here
0<s (suc n) = there (0<s n)
s<s : {n m} n < m suc n < suc m
s<s here = here
s<s (there p) = there (s<s p)
pred<pred : {n m} suc n < suc m n < m
pred<pred here = here
pred<pred {m = suc m} (there p) = there (pred<pred p)
<-irrefl : {n} n < n
<-irrefl {suc n} p = <-irrefl {n} (pred<pred p)
ℕ-set : {n : ℕ}(p : n ≡ n) p ≡ refl
ℕ-set p = hedberg dec p refl
open import Relation.Nullary
dec : (x y : ℕ) x ≡ y ⊎ x ≢ y
dec x y with Data.Nat._≟_ x y
dec x y | yes p = inj₁ p
dec x y | no ¬p = inj₂ ¬p
<-prop : {n m}(p q : n < m) p ≡ q
<-prop p here = lem refl p where
lem : {n m}(e : n ≡ m) (p : n < suc m) p ≡ tr (λ x n < suc x) e here
lem e here rewrite ℕ-set e = refl
lem refl (there p) = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl p)
<-prop here (there q) = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl q)
<-prop (there p) (there q) = ap there (<-prop p q)
cmp : n m ABC (n < m) (m < n) (n ≡ m)
cmp zero zero = inᶜ refl
cmp zero (suc m) = inᵃ (0<s m)
cmp (suc n) zero = inᵇ (0<s n)
cmp (suc n) (suc m) with cmp n m
... | inᵃ p = inᵃ (s<s p)
... | inᵇ p = inᵇ (s<s p)
... | inᶜ p = inᶜ (ap suc p)
cmp-refl : n cmp n n ≡ inᶜ refl
cmp-refl zero = refl
cmp-refl (suc n) rewrite cmp-refl n = refl
-- Part 1
module InductiveTypesFromBinaryTree where
data Tree : Set where
leaf : Tree
node : Tree Tree Tree
-- Ty, Con, Var are also constructible from Tree
infix 2 ι⇒_
data Ty : Set where -- as linear trees
ι : Ty
ι⇒_ : Ty Ty
infixl 3 _▶_
data Con : Set where -- as lists (Ty-annotated linear tree)
: Con
_▶_ : Con Ty Con
data Var : Con Ty Set where -- definable by recursion on Con
vz : {Γ A} Var (Γ ▶ A) A
vs : {Γ A B} Var Γ A Var (Γ ▶ B) A
-- Terms. The intrinsic inductive definition would be the following:
-- data Tm n (Γ : Con n) : Ty → Set
-- data Sp n (Γ : Con n) : Ty → Ty → Set
-- data Sp n Γ where
-- [] : {A} Sp n Γ A A
-- _∷_ : {A B} Tm n Γ zero Sp n Γ A B Sp n Γ (suc A) B
-- data Tm n Γ where
-- ne : {A} Var n Γ A Sp n Γ A zero Tm n Γ zero
-- well-formedness predicates
Tmw : Con Ty Tree Set
Spw : Con Ty Ty Tree Set
Tmw Γ i t =λ A Var Γ A × Spw Γ A ι t × i ≡ ι
Spw Γ A B leaf = A ≡ B
Spw Γ ι⇒A B (node t sp) =λ A Tmw Γ ι t × Spw Γ A B sp × ι⇒A ≡ (ι⇒ A)
Tm : Con Ty Set
Tm Γ A = ∃ (Tmw Γ A)
Sp : Con Ty Ty Set
Sp Γ A B = ∃ (Spw Γ A B)
[] : {Γ A} Sp Γ A A
[] = leaf , refl
infixr 5 _∷_
_∷_ : {Γ A B} Tm Γ ι Sp Γ A B Sp Γ (ι⇒ A) B
_∷_ (t , p) (sp , q) = node t sp , _ , p , q , refl
ne : {Γ A} Var Γ A Sp Γ A ι Tm Γ ι
ne v (sp , p) = sp , _ , v , p , refl
-- Example: construction of natural numbers from Tm. This is possible for any
-- signature.
NatSig : Con
NatSig = ∙ ▶ ι ▶ (ι⇒ ι) -- ∙ ▶ zero : Nat ▶ suc : Nat → Nat
Nat : Set
Nat = Tm NatSig ι
Zero : Nat
Zero = ne (vs vz) []
Suc : Nat Nat
Suc n = ne vz (n ∷ [])
NatElim : {i}(P : Nat Set i) P Zero ( n P n P (Suc n)) n P n
NatElim P z s (node t leaf , _ , vz , (_ , t* , refl , refl) , refl) =
s (t , t*) (NatElim P z s (t , t*))
NatElim P z s (node t (node _ _) , _ , vz , (_ , t* , (_ , _ , _ , ()) , refl) , refl)
NatElim P z s (leaf , _ , vs vz , refl , refl) = z
NatElim P z s (sp , _ , vs (vs ()) , sp* , refl)
-- Part 2
module BinaryTreeFromNaturals where
-- I'm also using some types here, but all of them can be easily
-- constructed from natural numbers. E.g. disjoint union with Σ, ⊤ as zero ≡
-- zero, ⊥ as zero ≡ suc zero, and _<_ given by recursion.
-- The inductive definition for height-indexed trees would be the following:
-- data Tree : Set
-- data Tree↓ : Set
-- data Tree where
-- leaf : Tree zero
-- nodeL : {n} Tree n Tree↓ n Tree (suc n)
-- nodeR : {n} Tree↓ n Tree n Tree (suc n)
-- nodeLR : {n} Tree n Tree n Tree (suc n)
-- data Tree↓ where
-- here : {n} Tree n Tree↓ (suc n)
-- there : {n} Tree↓ n Tree↓ (suc n)
-- Tree' n is the set of trees with height n.
-- Tree'↓ n is the set of trees with height less than n.
Tree' : Set
Tree'↓ : Set
Tree' zero =-- "leaf" is the only tree with height 0.
Tree' (suc n) =
ABC (Tree' n × Tree'↓ n) -- The left subtree is taller
(Tree'↓ n × Tree' n) -- The right subtree is taller
(Tree' n × Tree' n) -- Subtrees have the same height
Tree'↓ zero =
Tree'↓ (suc n) = Tree' n ⊎ Tree'↓ n
Tree : Set
Tree = ∃ Tree'
tree↓ : {n m} m < n Tree' m Tree'↓ n
tree↓ (here ) t = inj₁ t
tree↓ (there p) t = inj₂ (tree↓ p t)
tree↑ : {n} Tree'↓ n (∃ λ m m < n × Tree' m)
tree↑ {suc n} (inj₁ t) = n , here , t
tree↑ {suc n} (inj₂ t) = tree↑ t .₁ , there (tree↑ t .₂ .₁) , tree↑ t .₂ .₂
tree↓↑ : {n} (t : Tree'↓ n) tree↓ (tree↑ t .₂ .₁) (tree↑ t .₂ .₂) ≡ t
tree↓↑ {suc n} (inj₁ _) = refl
tree↓↑ {suc n} (inj₂ t) rewrite tree↓↑ t = refl
leaf : Tree
leaf = 0 , tt
node : Tree Tree Tree
node (n , l) (m , r) with cmp n m
... | inᵃ p = suc m , inᵇ (tree↓ p l , r)
... | inᵇ p = suc n , inᵃ (l , tree↓ p r)
... | inᶜ refl = suc n , inᶜ (l , r)
-- eliminator
TreeElim : {i}(P : Tree Set i) P leaf ( {l r} P l P r P (node l r))
{n} (t : Tree' n) P (_ , t)
Tree↓Elim : {i}(P : Tree Set i) P leaf ( {l r} P l P r P (node l r))
{n}(t : Tree'↓ n) P (_ , tree↑ t .₂ .₂)
TreeElim P pl pn {zero} tt = pl
TreeElim P pl pn {suc n} (inᵃ (l , r))
with cmp n (₁ (tree↑ r)) | pn (TreeElim P pl pn l) (Tree↓Elim P pl pn r)
... | inᵃ p | hyp = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl (<-trs (tree↑ r .₂ .₁) p))
... | inᵇ p | hyp = tr (λ x P (suc n , inᵃ (l , x)))
(ap (λ x tree↓ x _) (<-prop _ _) ◾ tree↓↑ r)
... | inᶜ p | hyp = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl (tr ( tree↑ r .₁ <_) p (tree↑ r .₂ .₁)))
TreeElim P pl pn {suc n} (inᵇ (l , r))
with cmp (₁ (tree↑ l)) n | pn (Tree↓Elim P pl pn l) (TreeElim P pl pn r)
... | inᵃ p | hyp = tr (λ x P (suc n , inᵇ (x , r)))
(ap (λ x tree↓ x _) (<-prop _ _) ◾ tree↓↑ l)
... | inᵇ p | hyp = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl (<-trs p (tree↑ l .₂ .₁)))
... | inᶜ p | hyp = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl (subst (_< n) p (tree↑ l .₂ .₁)))
TreeElim P pl pn {suc n} (inᶜ (l , r)) with
cmp n n | cmp-refl n | pn (TreeElim P pl pn l) (TreeElim P pl pn r)
... | _ | refl | hyp = hyp
Tree↓Elim P pl pn {suc n} (inj₁ t) = TreeElim P pl pn t
Tree↓Elim P pl pn {suc n} (inj₂ t) = Tree↓Elim P pl pn t
-- computation rules
leafβ : {i P pl}{pn : {l r} P l P r P (node l r)}
TreeElim {i} P pl pn (leaf .₂) ≡ pl
leafβ = refl
-- Agda doesn't want to let me prove this with with-pattern,
-- I'd have to switch to ABC-elimination.
-- Seems alright though.
nodeβ : {i P pl}{pn : {l r} P l P r P (node l r)}{l r}
TreeElim {i} P pl pn (node l r .₂)
≡ pn (TreeElim P pl pn (l .₂)) (TreeElim P pl pn (r .₂))
nodeβ {i} {P} {pl} {pn} {n , l} {m , r} = {!!}
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