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Created January 19, 2022 15:20
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  • Save AndisGrossteins/449d1ac2bb7eeae198160a856d199d80 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AndisGrossteins/449d1ac2bb7eeae198160a856d199d80 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Modified Bibite save file from artificial life simulation The Bibites. This one is a herbivore with strong herding behavior. Place multiple nearby to observe the herding.
"transform": {
"_position": [-76.51986,
"_rotation": 350.229431,
"_scale": 0.8118029
"rb2d": {
"px": -76.51986,
"py": 486.9061,
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"vy": 0.341175437,
"m": 0.659024,
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"genes": {
"genes": {
"LayTime": 10.2015553,
"BroodTime": 9.799863,
"HatchTime": 6.612937,
"SizeRatio": 0.6525952,
"SpeedRatio": 0.4640299,
"ColorR": 0.1,
"ColorG": 0.1,
"ColorB": 0.99,
"Strength": 25.0,
"MutationAmountSigma": 0.12542626,
"AverageMutationNumber": 3.49919,
"BrainMutationSigma": 0.182150786,
"BrainAverageMutation": 2.128889,
"ViewAngle": 195.90683,
"ViewRadius": 93.4221954,
"ClockSpeed": 0.5830322,
"PheroSense": 163.628616,
"Diet": 0.495020437,
"ImmuneSystemStrength": 0.636423,
"HerdSeparationWeight": 1.09648015,
"HerdAlignmentWeight": 1.11064129,
"HerdCohesionWeight": 0.165775931,
"HerdVelocityWeight": 0.186211276,
"HerdSeparationDistance": 37.509291
"isReady": true,
"gen": 230
"body": {
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"d1Size": 0.8118029,
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"maxHealth": 65.9024,
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"maxEnergy": 98.85359,
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"dying": false,
"isWow": false,
"born": true
"growth": {
"maturity": 1.54743862,
"mature": true
"clock": {
"tic": 0,
"ticProgress": 0.219876722,
"timeAlive": 38.69998,
"chronoTime": 38.69998
"brain": {
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"parent": true,
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"Desc": "BibiteConcentrationWeight",
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"Index": 8,
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"Desc": "ClosestBibiteG",
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"Inov": 0,
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"strainResistances": [],
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"perceivedInfectionLevel": 0.0
"version": "0.3.0"
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