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Created March 6, 2017 13:57
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My mpv player configuration
# mpv configuration file
# Configuration files are read system-wide from /usr/local/etc/mpv.conf
# and per-user from ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf, where per-user settings override
# system-wide settings, all of which are overridden by the command line.
no-border # no window title bar
msg-module # prepend module name to log messages
msg-color # color log messages on terminal
term-osd-bar # display a progress bar on the terminal
use-filedir-conf # look for additional config files in the directory of the opened file
#pause # no autoplay
keep-open # keep the player open when a file's end is reached
#autofit-larger=100%x95% # resize window in case it's larger than W%xH% of the screen
deinterlace=auto # 'auto' does not imply interlacing-detection
cursor-autohide-fs-only # don't autohide the cursor in window mode, only fullscreen
cursor-autohide=1000 # autohide the curser after 1s
screenshot-template='~/Desktop/%F (%P) %n'
hls-bitrate=max # use max quality for HLS streams
ytdl-format=bestvideo[height<=?1080][fps<=?30][vcodec!=?vp9][protocol!=http_dash_segments]+bestaudio/best #[protocol!=http_dash_segments][protocol!=rtmp]
# Cache #
cache-default=5000000 # size in KB
cache-backbuffer=25000 # size in KB
cache-initial=0 # start playback when your cache is filled up with x kB
cache-secs=10 # how many seconds of audio/video to prefetch if the cache is active
# OSD / OSC #
osd-level=1 # enable osd and display --osd-status-msg on interaction
osd-duration=2500 # hide the osd after x ms
osd-status-msg='${time-pos} / ${duration}${?percent-pos: (${percent-pos}%)}${?frame-drop-count:${!frame-drop-count==0: Dropped: ${frame-drop-count}}}\n${?chapter:Chapter: ${chapter}}'
osd-font='Source Sans Pro'
osd-color='#CCFFFFFF' # ARGB format
osd-border-color='#DD322640' # ARGB format
#osd-shadow-offset=1 # pixel width for osd text and progress bar
osd-bar-align-y=0 # progress bar y alignment (-1 top, 0 centered, 1 bottom)
osd-border-size=2 # size for osd text and progress bar
osd-bar-h=2 # height of osd bar as a fractional percentage of your screen height
osd-bar-w=60 # width of " " "
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