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Last active October 29, 2018 18:30
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A template literal tag for formatting templates in console outputs
let objconsole = new Proxy(function(strs, ...args) {
let ret = strs.reduce((a, c, i) => {
if(c) a.concat(c);
if(i < args.length) a.concat(args[i]);
return a;
}, []);
return ret;
}, new Proxy({}, {
get(handler, trapkey) {
if(trapkey === "apply") {
return undefined;
} else if(trapkey === "get") {
return function(target, name, ...args) {
if(["debug", "info", "log", "warn", "error"].includes(name)) {
return new Proxy(Reflect.get(console, name, ...args), {
apply(target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
args = ...argumentsList;
console.debug("ARGS:", argumentsList, "-->", args);//XXX
Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
return Reflect.get(console, name, ...args);
return function(target, ...args) {
return Reflect[trapkey](console, ...args);
let objconsole = new Proxy(function(strs, ...args) {
return strs.reduce((a, c, i) => {
if(c) {
let str = c;
if(i > 0) str = str.replace(/^ /, ""); //Strip initial space if not first
if(i < args.length) str = str.replace(/ $/, ""); //Strip trailing space if not last
a = a.concat(str);
if(i < args.length) {
a = a.concat([args[i]]); // Don't over-flatten
return a;
}, []);
}, new Proxy({}, {
get(handler, trapkey) {
if(trapkey === "apply") {
return undefined; // Pass through to the wrapped function
} else if(trapkey === "get") {
return function(target, name, ...args) { // return custom log functions
if(["debug", "info", "log", "warn", "error"].includes(name)) {
return new Proxy(Reflect.get(console, name, ...args), {
// Wrap and expand all arguments to create a single 1d array
apply(target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
args = [].concat(...argumentsList);
Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
return Reflect.get(console, name, ...args); // Pass every other property request through to console
return function(target, ...args) { // Pass everything else through to console
return Reflect[trapkey](console, ...args);
console.log(...objconsole`Hello ${{age:"old"}} world`);
function func() {console.log("Dummy Function"); }
console.log(...objconsole`What${"Happens"} when ${"there"}${" are"} many different types such as:
numbers: ${1}
objects: ${{aKey: "value", numKey: 2, funKey: func}}
functions: ${func}
strings: ${"alphabet"}
templates: ${`${1} + 2 = ${1 + 2}`}?`)
objconsole.warn(objconsole`Hello ${{age:"old"}} world`);
objconsole.log(objconsole`Hello ${{age:"old"}} world`, objconsole`Another ${1} object: ${{key: 14}}`);
objconsole.log(objconsole`Testing an array of ${[1,2,3,4,5]}`);
objconsole.log(objconsole`Testing an array of ${[1,2,3,4,5]} and another of ${"abcd".split("")}`);
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