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Last active December 21, 2022 11:31
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Jenkins & PHP

Jenkins & PHP

This is a guide to setting up Jenkins for PHP projects. The Jenkins plugins required are linked in each section below.

Be sure to check the pipeline step reference link on the plugin pages linked below for full documentation and options for Jenkinsfile.

This guide uses Jenkinsfile based pipelines and assumes you already have a basic Jenkinsfile.

This guide assumes that you already have each of the tools mentioned configured for use outside of Jenkins. Only the necessary configuration options for working with Jenkins are mentioned.

This guide uses the build/ directory for storing generated logs and reports. It's assumed that all tools configuration files are in the repository root.

PHPUnit Test & Coverage Reports

The following configuration will set up 3 reports for PHPUnit tests:

In the PHPUnit config file (phpunit.xml or phpunit.xml.dist):

            <directory suffix=".php">src</directory>
            <html outputDirectory="build/coverage" />
            <cobertura outputFile="build/logs/cobertura.xml"/>
        <junit outputFile="build/logs/junit.xml" />

In the Jenkinsfile:

stage('Unit Tests') {
    steps {
        sh 'vendor/bin/phpunit'
            thresholds: [
                failed ( failureThreshold: "0" ),
                skipped ( unstableThreshold: "0" )
            tools: [
                PHPUnit(pattern: 'build/logs/junit.xml', stopProcessingIfError: true, failIfNotNew: true)
            allowMissing: false,
            alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false,
            keepAll: false,
            reportDir: 'build/coverage',
            reportFiles: 'index.html',
            reportName: 'Coverage Report (HTML)',
            reportTitles: ''
        publishCoverage adapters: [coberturaAdapter('build/logs/cobertura.xml')]

PHPStan and CodeSniffer Reports

In this example, PHPCS is shown running with 2 different configurations (mainly to show this can be done).

Reports are processed using the CheckStyle format report and the Warnings Next Generation plugin

This is done because PHPCompatibility checks are run across the vendor/ directory to aid in monitoring potential problems for version updates.

This example setup shows running the static analysis tools in parallel, which may results in faster build times.

In Jenkinsfile:

stages {
    stage('Static Analysis') {
        parallel {
          stage('CodeSniffer') {
              steps {
                  sh 'vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=phpcs.xml .'
          stage('PHP Compatibility Checks') {
              steps {
                  sh 'vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=phpcs-compatibility.xml .'
          stage('PHPStan') {
              steps {
                  sh 'vendor/bin/phpstan analyse --error-format=checkstyle --no-progress -n . > build/logs/phpstan.checkstyle.xml'
    post {
        always {
                sourceCodeEncoding: 'UTF-8',
                enabledForFailure: true,
                aggregatingResults: true,
                blameDisabled: true,
                referenceJobName: "repo-name/master",
                tools: [
                    phpCodeSniffer(id: 'phpcs', name: 'CodeSniffer', pattern: 'build/logs/phpcs.checkstyle.xml', reportEncoding: 'UTF-8'),
                    phpStan(id: 'phpstan', name: 'PHPStan', pattern: 'build/logs/phpstan.checkstyle.xml', reportEncoding: 'UTF-8'),
                    phpCodeSniffer(id: 'phpcompat', name: 'PHP Compatibility', pattern: 'build/logs/phpcs-compat.checkstyle.xml', reportEncoding: 'UTF-8')

You'll want to change the repo-name in the referenceJobName directive to match your repository. This tells Jenkins which job to compare the results against for branches and PR jobs.

Set the report location in CodeSniffers configuration file (phpcs.xml):

<ruleset name="Default">
    <arg name="report-checkstyle" value="build/logs/phpcs.checkstyle.xml" />

Ignoring tool run failures / tuning failure conditions

If you want the build to pass regardless of the results of tools (ie. ignore the exit code), you can append || exit 0 to the end of the sh command.

Alternatively, for CodeSniffer you can add the following into the configuration file (phpcs.xml):

<ruleset name="default">
    <config name="ignore_errors_on_exit" value="1" />
    <config name="ignore_warnings_on_exit" value="1" />

You can then fine-tune the failure conditions using the Warnings-NG pipeline configuration

Results Caching

You can improve build times (for each run after the first) using caching features available in both CodeSniffer and PHPStan.

In CodeSniffers configuration file (phpcs.xml):

<ruleset name="default">
    <arg name="cache" value="build/cache/codesniffer.phpcs" />

If you have multiple CodeSniffer configurations as in the example Jenkinsfile above, be sure to set different cache paths.

In PHPStan's configuration file (phpstan.neon):

    tmpDir: build/cache/phpstan

Ideas for expansions

  • Advantages (compared to GitHub Actions)
    • Runs on private infra
    • Comparison with other branches
    • Persisted reports
  • Code coverage extensions (xdebug, pcov)
  • Basic setup
    • Per-job database setup & teardown
    • Environment variables in Jenkinsfile
    • GitHub plugin(s) & PR notifications
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