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Last active September 11, 2024 12:43
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Python code for muxing klv and video (MISB) #STANAG #MISB #UAV

Python code for muxing klv and video (MISB)

Folder with data and results

Reference project

Known problems ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • The video plays but gives a "meta/x-klv" codecs not available warning, in Linux player, How fix?.

  • QGISFMV recognises the telemetry but does not play the video. We can fix this with

    ffmpeg -i DJI_0047/0.0.mp4 -i MISB.mp4 -c copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:d:0 out.mp4

But the telemetry is lost. So what do we do?And insert dummy values...

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import gi
# Author : Fran Raga , 2021
# proof of concept to ingest KLV telemetry into a video. Multiplexer concept to create a MISB Video.
# Related with :
# Get Video width/Height
# ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=width,height -of csv=s=x:p=0 DJI_0047.MP4
# width 3840x height 2160
# Extract all frames in folder
# ffmpeg -i DJI_0047.mp4 -r 30/1 '%d.jpg'
# Get Bitrate
# ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=bit_rate -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 DJI_0047.mp4
# ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=bit_rate -of csv=p=0 DJI_0047.mp4
# result/ 1000
# Get Frame rate
# ffprobe -v error -select_streams v -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 -show_entries stream=r_frame_rate DJI_0047.MP4
# Merge all klv from QGISFMV to use in this code
# import glob
# Fix Video result
# ffmpeg -re -i MISB.mp4 -map 0:v -map 0:d -codec copy fixed.ts
# ffmpeg -i fixed.ts -map 0:v -muxpreload 0 -muxdelay 0 -map 0:d -codec copy newFile.ts
# files = []
# for file in glob.glob("/home/fragalop/SamplesFMV/multiplexor/klv/*.klv"):
# files.append(file)
# out_data = b''
# for fn in files:
# with open(fn, 'rb') as fp:
# out_data +=
# with open('/home/fragalop/SamplesFMV/multiplexor/all.klv', 'wb') as fp:
# fp.write(out_data)
gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
from gi.repository import Gst, GObject
#vid_file = "/home/fragalop/SamplesFMV/multiplexor/DJI_0047/DJI_0047.mp4"
vid_frame_rate = 30
vid_width = 3840
vid_height = 2160
vid_bitrate = 60012
klv_file = "/home/fragalop/SamplesFMV/multiplexor/all.klv"
img_folder ="/home/fragalop/SamplesFMV/multiplexor/img/"
klv_packet_size = 112 # Extracted from QGISFMV "Create MISB Tool"
out_file = "/home/fragalop/SamplesFMV/multiplexor/MISB.ts"
class muxKlv:
def __init__(self):
self.is_push_buffer_allowed = None
self.cap = None
self.fh = open(klv_file, 'rb')
self.vid_frame_counter = 1
self.klv_frame_counter = 0
self.inject_klv = 0
self.duration = 1.0 / vid_frame_rate * Gst.SECOND
self.dts = 0
self.fps = int(vid_frame_rate)
# Create GStreamer Pipeline
def createGstPipeline(self):
# video source elements
self.vsrc = Gst.ElementFactory.make("appsrc", "vidsrc")
self.vqueue = Gst.ElementFactory.make("queue")
self.vtee = Gst.ElementFactory.make("tee")
# klv source elements
self.appsrc = Gst.ElementFactory.make("appsrc")
self.queue_klv = Gst.ElementFactory.make("queue")
# recording elements
self.queue_record = Gst.ElementFactory.make("queue")
self.vcvt_encoder = Gst.ElementFactory.make("videoconvert")
# encode
self.encoder = Gst.ElementFactory.make("x264enc")
self.muxer = Gst.ElementFactory.make("mpegtsmux")
self.filesink = Gst.ElementFactory.make("filesink")
# configure video element
self.caps_str = "video/x-raw"
self.caps_str += ",format=(string)RGB,width={},height={}".format(vid_width,vid_height)
self.caps_str += ",framerate={}/1".format(int(vid_frame_rate))
self.vcaps = Gst.Caps.from_string(self.caps_str)
self.vsrc.set_property("caps", self.vcaps);
self.vsrc.set_property("format", Gst.Format.TIME)
#self.vsrc.set_property("is-live", True)
self.vsrc.connect("need-data", self.video_need_data)
self.vsrc.connect("enough-data", self.video_enough_data)
# configure appsrc element
self.caps_str = "meta/x-klv"
self.caps_str += ",parsed=True"
self.caps = Gst.Caps.from_string(self.caps_str)
self.appsrc.set_property("caps", self.caps)
self.appsrc.connect("need-data", self.klv_need_data)
self.appsrc.connect("enough-data", self.klv_enough_data)
self.appsrc.set_property("format", Gst.Format.TIME)
#self.appsrc.set_property("is-live", True)
# configure encoder
# self.encoder.set_property("noise-reduction", 1000)
self.encoder.set_property("threads", 4)
self.encoder.set_property("bitrate", vid_bitrate)
self.encoder.set_property("byte-stream", True)
# configure filesink
self.filesink.set_property("location", out_file)
self.filesink.set_property("async", 0)
self.pipeline = Gst.Pipeline()
# link video elements
# link recording elements
# link klv elements
def klv_need_data(self, src, length):
print('======================> KLV need data length: %s' % length)
#if self.inject_klv >= vid_frame_rate or self.vid_frame_counter==1:
# KLV Data
klv_bytes =
print("End klv stream")
klvbuf = Gst.Buffer.new_allocate(None, klv_packet_size, None)
klvbuf.fill(0, klv_bytes)
klvbuf.duration = Gst.SECOND
klvbuf.pts = klvbuf.dts = self.dts
#klvbuf.offset = self.dts
retval = self.appsrc.emit("push-buffer", klvbuf)
if retval != Gst.FlowReturn.OK:
self.klv_frame_counter += 1
self.inject_klv = 0
print("klv Frame {}".format(self.klv_frame_counter))
def klv_enough_data(self, src):
print('======================> KLV enough data src: %s' % src)
def video_need_data(self, src, length):
#print('======================> Video need data length: %s' % length)
#print('======================> Video need data src: %s' % src)
# Get Image
tmp_image =img_folder + str(self.vid_frame_counter)+ ".jpg"
# print(tmp_image)
if os.path.isfile(tmp_image):
vid_frame = plt.imread(tmp_image)
data = vid_frame.tostring()
vidbuf = Gst.Buffer.new_allocate(None, len(data), None)
vidbuf.fill(0, data)
#print("Duration video frame {}".format(self.duration/ 1000.0))
#timestamp = (self.vid_frame_counter - 1) * self.duration
#print("TimeStamp video frame {}".format(timestamp/ 1000.0))
vidbuf.duration = self.duration
vidbuf.pts = vidbuf.dts = self.dts
#vidbuf.offset = self.dts
retval = self.vsrc.emit("push-buffer", vidbuf)
print("video frame {}".format(self.vid_frame_counter))
if retval != Gst.FlowReturn.OK:
self.vid_frame_counter += 1
self.inject_klv +=1
# Up dts
self.dts = self.dts + self.duration
print("End Video and KLV Stream")
# Video Stream
# KLV Stream
def video_enough_data(self, src):
print('======================> Video enough data src: %s' % src)
def play(self):
ret = self.pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING)
if ret == Gst.StateChangeReturn.FAILURE:
raise Exception("Unable to set the pipeline to the playing state")
self.bus = self.pipeline.get_bus()
while True:
msg = self.bus.poll(Gst.MessageType.ANY, Gst.CLOCK_TIME_NONE)
t = msg.type
if t == Gst.MessageType.EOS:
elif t == Gst.MessageType.ERROR:
err, debug = msg.parse_error()
print("Error: %s" % err, debug)
elif t == Gst.MessageType.WARNING:
err, debug = msg.parse_warning()
print("Warning: %s" % err, debug)
elif t == Gst.MessageType.STATE_CHANGED:
elif t == Gst.MessageType.STREAM_STATUS:
elif t in (Gst.MessageType.LATENCY, Gst.MessageType.NEW_CLOCK):
print("Warning: %s" % msg.src)
print("Unknown message: %s" % msg.src, msg.type)
print("Wohooo!MISB Created")
#Test Inject klv data
sender = muxKlv()
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husnejahan commented Jun 29, 2022

Hi Fran,

Thanks for sharing the code. I have used klv and video to get output ts file. But it is not displaying metadata using QGIS or ArcGIS.
Do you have any suggestions?
Is it necessary to have same number of klv frame with corresponding video frames for timestamp synchronization?

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All4Gis commented Jul 20, 2022

Yes, as I say, this code is as close as I've come to creating a video with telemetry but the result doesn't work well. I can't help you here. If you know how to fix it that would be great.

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All4Gis commented May 15, 2023

Some updates with sync KLV support:

thanks for the information

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I'm using this and it seems to work, but at some point during the mux the python process seems to hang indefinitely. I'm not sure what's causing it, there's not tons of information printed but there is a warning. If I kill the process, the partial output video does play correctly, I can see the KLV stream with ffprobe and I can pull it out and parse it with the klvdata python module. So it seems to be working, I just can't figure out why it's hanging randomly.

======================> Video need data length: 4096
======================> Video need data src: <__gi__.GstAppSrc object at 0x756812bc2000 (GstAppSrc at 0x5796fb5e4760)>
Unknown message: <Gst.Pipeline object at 0x756812bc8e00 (GstPipeline at 0x5796fb62a240)> <flags GST_MESSAGE_STREAM_START of type Gst.MessageType>
Warning (latency/new_clock): <__gi__.GstFileSink object at 0x756812bc36c0 (GstFileSink at 0x5796fb622a90)>
Duration video frame 16666.666666666664
TimeStamp video frame 966666.6666666666
video frame 59
======================> Video need data length: 4096
======================> Video need data src: <__gi__.GstAppSrc object at 0x756812bc2000 (GstAppSrc at 0x5796fb5e4760)>
Duration video frame 16666.666666666664
TimeStamp video frame 983333.3333333333
video frame 60

In this example it hangs at frame 60 every time. But I have another ~300MB video that makes it all the way to frame 7000-something before it hangs.

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