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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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  • Save AlienAsRoger/c3e073bc88c2ad543fd8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AlienAsRoger/c3e073bc88c2ad543fd8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lesson item object
"cm_lesson": {
"lesson_number": 1,
"author": "Jeremy Silman",
"name": "Botvinnik-Sorokin, USSR 1931",
"about": "Former World Cha",
"goal": 7,
"goal_commentary": "Gaining",
"goal_code": "positional_gain",
"difficulty": 6
"cm_positions": [
"position_number": 1,
"fen": "r1b2rk1/1p3pp1/pn3n1p/2q1p3/P3P3/2N2N2/BP1RQPPP/3R2K1 w - - 0 1",
"user_to_move": 1,
"move_difficulty": 3,
"advice1": "What is Black's best defensive piece?",
"advice2": "White would l",
"advice3": "Always striv",
"standard_response_move_commentary": "",
"standard_wrong_move_commentary": "You are not paying attention to the cornerstone of Black's defense.",
"final_position": 0,
"about": "White has a lead in de",
"hyper_position": "10100110/01000110/12000101/20002000/00001000/00102000/11010111/00010010",
"initial_highlights": null,
"advice2_highlights": null,
"cm_moves": [
"move_number": 0,
"move": "Qe3",
"move_commentary": "1.Qasdfasdfasd",
"short_response_move": "c5e3",
"response_move_commentary": "Black sees that the White Queen ",
"move_type": "default"
"legal_position_check": "full",
"legal_move_check": "full",
"user_cm_lesson": {
"initial_score": 99,
"last_score": 100,
"current_position": 0,
"current_points": 58,
"current_position_points": 3
"lesson_completed": true
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