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Last active August 19, 2022 18:11
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  • Save Alexander-N/18634441c5fce90f97e30fe0393be008 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Alexander-N/18634441c5fce90f97e30fe0393be008 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Substitutions for TLA+ to use with FiraCode
"conceal.substitutions": [
"language": [
"pattern": "**/*.tla"
"substitutions": [
"ugly": "\\\\land",
"pretty": "/\\",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\lor",
"pretty": "\\/",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\equiv",
"pretty": "<=>",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\in",
"post": "\\b",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "\\\\notin",
"post": "\\b",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "#|/=",
"pretty": "!="
"ugly": "<<",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": ">>",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "\\[\\]",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "\\\\leq",
"pretty": "<=",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "[=][<]",
"pretty": "<=",
"ugly": "[<][=]",
"pretty": "<=",
"ugly": "\\\\geq",
"pretty": ">=",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "[>][=]",
"pretty": ">="
"ugly": "[~][>]",
"pretty": "~>"
"ugly": "~",
"pretty": "¬"
"ugly": "\\\\lnot|\\\\neg",
"pretty": "¬",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\ll",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\gg",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\preceq",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\succeq",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\prec",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\succ",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "[|][-][>]",
"pretty": "|->"
"ugly": "\\\\div",
"pretty": "÷",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\subseteq",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\supseteq",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\cdot",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\subset",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\supset",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "[(][.][)]",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "\\\\odot",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "[(][-][)]",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "\\\\ominus",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "[(][+][)]",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "\\\\oplus",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "[(][\\\\][X][)]",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "\\\\otimes",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "[(][/][)]",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "[(][/][)]|\\\\oslash",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\o|\\\\circ",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\sqsubseteq",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\sqsupseteq",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\sqsubset",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\sqsupset",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\bullet",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\star",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "[|][-]",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "[-][|]",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "\\\\bigcirc",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "[|][=]",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "[=][|]",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "\\\\sim",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "[-][>]",
"pretty": "->"
"ugly": "[<][-]",
"pretty": "<-"
"ugly": "\\\\simeq",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\cap|\\\\intersect",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\cup|\\\\union",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\asymp",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\sqcap",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\sqcup",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\approx",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\uplus",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\cong",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\X|\\\\times",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\doteq",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\wr",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\propto",
"pretty": "",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "\\\\A",
"post": "\\b",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "\\\\E",
"post": "\\b",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "\\bQED",
"pretty": ""
"ugly": "Nat",
"pretty": "",
"pre": "\\b",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "Int",
"pretty": "",
"pre": "\\b",
"post": "\\b"
"ugly": "Real",
"pretty": "",
"pre": "\\b",
"post": "\\b"
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vsc-conceal substitutions for TLA+ adapted from this PR by @teodorov to use together with FiraCode.

I prefer to use larger unicode symbols e.g. ⋃ instead of ∪ and I left out:

   "ugly": "==",
   "pretty": ""
   "ugly": "{}",
   "pretty": ""

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