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Created April 7, 2017 18:02
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Mock(override) built-in `open` function in perl.
# > To override a built-in globally (that is, in all namespaces), you need to
# > import your function into the CORE::GLOBAL pseudo-namespace at compile
# > time:
# >
# > BEGIN {
# > *CORE::GLOBAL::hex = sub {
# > # ... your code here
# > };
# > }
no strict 'refs';
use Symbol ();
# > If subroutine signatures are enabled (see Signatures), then the shorter
# > PROTO syntax is unavailable, because it would clash with signatures. In
# > that case, a prototype can only be declared in the form of an
# > attribute.
*CORE::GLOBAL::open = sub : prototype(*;$@) {
# > If FILEHANDLE is an undefined scalar variable (or array or hash
# > element), a new filehandle is autovivified, meaning that the
# > variable is assigned a reference to a newly allocated anonymous
# > filehandle. Otherwise if FILEHANDLE is an expression, its value is
# > the real filehandle. (This is considered a symbolic reference, so
# > use strict "refs" should not be in effect.)
# > Symbol::qualify turns unqualified symbol names into qualified
# > variable names (e.g. "myvar" -> "MyPackage::myvar"). If it is given
# > a second parameter, qualify uses it as the default package;
# > otherwise, it uses the package of its caller. Regardless, global
# > variable names (e.g. "STDOUT", "ENV", "SIG") are always qualified
# > with "main::".
# > Returns the context of the current pure perl subroutine call. In
# > scalar context, returns the caller's package name if there is
# > a caller (that is, if we're in a subroutine or eval or require) and
# > the undefined value otherwise.
if (defined $_[0]) {
unshift @_, Symbol::qualify(shift, scalar caller);
# > For all Perl keywords, a CORE:: prefix will force the built-in
# > function to be used, even if it has been overridden or would
# > normally require the feature pragma. Despite appearances, this has
# > nothing to do with the CORE package, but is part of Perl's syntax.
return CORE::open($_[0]) if @_ == 1;
return CORE::open($_[0], $_[1]) if @_ == 2;
# > As a special case the three-argument form with a read/write mode
# > and the third argument being undef:
# >
# > open(my $tmp, "+>", undef) or die ...
# >
# > opens a filehandle to an anonymous temporary file. Also using +<
# > works for symmetry, but you really should consider writing
# > something to the temporary file first. You will need to seek() to
# > do the reading.
return CORE::open($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]) if @_ == 3 && defined $_[2];
return CORE::open($_[0], $_[1], undef) if @_ == 3;
# > In the form of pipe opens taking three or more arguments, if LIST
# > is specified (extra arguments after the command name) then LIST
# > becomes arguments to the command invoked if the platform supports
# > it. The meaning of open with more than three arguments for non-pipe
# > modes is not yet defined, but experimental "layers" may give extra
# > LIST arguments meaning.
return CORE::open($_[0], $_[1], @_[2..$#_]);
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