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Created February 2, 2016 17:29
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from sys import argv
from os import listdir, symlink, unlink
from os.path import isfile, join, getctime
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from datetime import datetime, date
from subprocess import run, Popen, PIPE
from ftpush import ftpush
from parse_db import DBReader
REPODIR = 'repo'
REPONAME = 'alextalker'
PKGDIR_x86_64 = join(REPODIR, 'x86_64')
ROOT = '/htdocs/aurrepo'
tday =
tday = datetime.combine(tday, datetime.min.time())
def is_fresh_package(d, f):
fn = join(d,f)
if isfile(fn) and fnmatch(f, '*.pkg.tar.xz'):
t = datetime.fromtimestamp(getctime(fn))
if t >= tday:
return True
return False
only_package_names = []
for d in argv[1:]:
only_package_names += [(d,f) for f in listdir(d) if is_fresh_package(d,f)]
db = DBReader(join(PKGDIR_x86_64, REPONAME + '.db.tar.xz'))
old_files = []
files = []
for d,f in only_package_names:
pkg = join(PKGDIR_x86_64, f)
except FileNotFoundError:
symlink(join('..', '..', d,f), pkg)
if d in db:
del db
# dirs = list(set([d for d,_ in only_package_names]))
# old_files = Popen(['./get-older-package-names.zsh', join(PKGDIR_x86_64, REPONAME)] + dirs, stdout=PIPE)
# old_files =' ')
files = [join(PKGDIR_x86_64, REPONAME + '.db.tar.xz')] + files
run(['repo-add', '-R'] + files)
# Push it out
ftpush([ROOT], [old_files], 'upload-to-repo.ini', True) # Clean up on the server side
ftpush([ROOT], [files], 'upload-to-repo.ini')
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