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Created February 24, 2021 11:39
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class CatalogVersionRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor(
private val catalogVersionRemoteDataSource: CatalogVersionRemoteDataSource,
private val catalogVersionLocalDataSource: CatalogVersionLocalDataSource
) : CatalogVersionRepository {
override fun checkNeedUpdate(): Single<Boolean> {
return catalogVersionRemoteDataSource.getCurrentCatalogVersion()
.map { remoteCatalogueVersion ->
val localCatalogueVersion = catalogVersionLocalDataSource.getCurrentCatalogVersion()
val hasActualVersion = localCatalogueVersion == remoteCatalogueVersion
.onErrorTypeJust<RemoteCatalogueVersionFetchError, Boolean>(false)
override fun clearCatalogVersion(): Completable {
return Completable.create { catalogVersionLocalDataSource.clearCurrentCatalogVersion() }
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