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Last active September 23, 2024 09:31
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Python implementation to send a fake SSDP discovery message to Bambu Studio or Orca Slicer
# Derived from this:
# Python implementation without need for linux
# Send the IP address of your BambuLab printer to port 2021/udp, which BambuStudio is listens on.
# Ensure your PC has firewall pot 2021/udp open. This is required as the proper response would usually go to the ephemeral source port that the M-SEARCH ssdp:discover message.
# But we are are blindly sending a response directly to the BambuStudio listening service port (2021/udp).
# Temporary solution to BambuStudio not allowing you to manually specify the Printer IP.
# Usage:
# 0. Edit the constants below with your printer SN, model name and the friendly name you want to see in Studio / Orca Slicer
# 1. start Bambu Studio / Orca Slicer
# 2. python PRINTER_IP
# 3. connect to the printer
# The script needs to be run every time you start Studio or Orca Slicer
import sys
import socket
from datetime import datetime
TARGET_IP = "" # Change this to the IP of the computer with the printer software. If you're running this on the same computer, leave it as is.
PRINTER_USN = "YOUR_PRINTER_SN" # This is the serial number of the printer.
PRINTER_DEV_MODEL = "3DPrinter-X1-Carbon" # "3DPrinter-X1-Carbon", "3DPrinter-X1", "C11" (for P1P), "C12" (for P1S), "C13" (for X1E), "N1" (A1 mini), "N2S" (A1)
PRINTER_DEV_NAME = "X1C-1" # The friendly name displayed in Bambu Studio / Orca Slicer. Set this to whatever you want.
PRINTER_DEV_SIGNAL = "-44" # Fake wifi signal strength
PRINTER_DEV_CONNECT = "lan" # printer is in lan only mode
PRINTER_DEV_BIND = "free" # and is not bound to any cloud account
PRINTER_IP = None # If you want to hardcode the printer IP, set it here. Otherwise, pass it as the first argument to the script.
TARGET_PORT = 2021 # The port used for SSDP discovery
def send_udp_response(response):
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) as sock:
sock.sendto(response.encode(), (TARGET_IP, TARGET_PORT))
print("UDP packet sent successfully.")
except socket.error as e:
print("Error sending UDP packet:", e)
def resolve_and_validate(input_str):
"""Resolve a hostname or FQDN to an IP address, or just return the IP address after validating it."""
# This will work for both FQDN and hostname
return socket.gethostbyname(input_str)
except socket.gaierror:
# If resolution fails, check if it's a valid IP
return input_str # It's a valid IP, so return it as-is
except socket.error:
print(f"Unable to resolve {input_str} to an IP address.")
def main():
if PRINTER_IP is None:
# If PRINTER_IP is not set, check if it was passed as an argument
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
provided_ip = sys.argv[1]
print("Please specify your printer's IP, FQDN or hostname.\nusage:", sys.argv[0], "<PRINTER_IP>\nAlternatively, set PRINTER_IP in the script.")
# If PRINTER_IP is set, use that
provided_ip = PRINTER_IP
# Now that we have a printer IP, FQDN or hostname, resolve and validate it
printer_ip = resolve_and_validate(provided_ip)
response = (
f"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
f"Server: Buildroot/2018.02-rc3 UPnP/1.0 ssdpd/1.8\r\n"
f"Date: {}\r\n"
f"Location: {printer_ip}\r\n"
f"ST: urn:bambulab-com:device:3dprinter:1\r\n"
f"Cache-Control: max-age=1800\r\n"
f" {PRINTER_DEV_BIND}\r\n\r\n"
print(f"Sending response with PRINTER_IP={printer_ip} to {TARGET_IP}:{TARGET_PORT}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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fire1ce commented Sep 7, 2023

Hey @Alex-Schaefer. Thanks fot the scirpt and the work.

May i suggest the following feature which will allow the use of ip/hostname/fqdn?
I've tested it and it works.

PRINTER_DEV_SIGNAL = "-44"  # Fake wifi signal strength
PRINTER_DEV_CONNECT = "lan"  # printer is in lan only mode
PRINTER_DEV_BIND = "free"  # and is not bound to any cloud account
TARGET_PC_PORT = 2021  # The port used for SSDP discovery

def resolve_to_ip(input_str):
        # This will work for both FQDN and hostname
        return socket.gethostbyname(input_str)
    except socket.gaierror:
        # If resolution fails, check if it's a valid IP
            return input_str  # It's a valid IP, so return it as-is
        except socket.error:
            print(f"Unable to resolve {input_str} to an IP address.")

PRINTER_IP = resolve_to_ip(sys.argv[1])  # IP will be passed as an argument to the script

def send_udp_response(response):
    with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) as sock:

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Thanks, that's a nice suggestion, I've added it.
Additionally, you can now optionally hardcode the printer IP (or FQDN or hostname) in the script.

But honestly, most of the work was done by @gashton not me.
I just implemented it in Python with minor changes.

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Just a note for anyone who needs it: PRINTER_DEV_MODEL for the P1S is "C12". At least for my P1S EU-Edition.
Otherwise it would not send the g-code to the printer.

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mjrider commented Feb 18, 2024

after a bit of fiddling, i got my p1s which is in cloud mode to working in orcaslicer without a cloud account
( printer is registered to my partners account, which i do not use )
With this firewall in place orcaslicer doesn't see the printer anymore, and the fake ssdp announces it to the slicer, and it works as if the printer is in lan mode

sudo iptables -A INPUT -s ${IP} -d -p udp -m udp --sport 1900 --dport 2021 -j DROP
sudo iptables -A INPUT -s ${IP} -d -j DROP
python3 ~/bin// ${IP}

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paulvay commented Feb 27, 2024

Figured this out in resources/printers/C13.json

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For X1E - PRINTER_DEV_MODEL="C13" Figured this out in resources/printers/C13.json

Nice, I've added all the possible models to the script, based on the different json files from the BambuStudio Repo.

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Pretty sure the printer_ip = resolve_and_validate(sys.argv[1]) line should be moved into the if PRINTER_IP is None: block (but not the if len(sys.argv) < 2: block).

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Thanks @RagingRoosevelt the logic was indeed flawed. Didn't notice that, because I'm using a slightly different script at work that reads from a config file and does some other stuff.

Updated the script, should be right now.

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