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Created October 19, 2022 09:41
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A generic class to manage state in an asynchronous way.
import { BehaviorSubject, distinctUntilChanged, map, Observable } from "rxjs";
* A generic class to manage state in an asynchronous way.
class Store<T> {
* @private field to store and notify state changes
* BehaviorSubject is a special type of Observable
* that keeps hold of the current value
* and emits it to any new subscribers
private state$: BehaviorSubject<T>;
* Creates a typed store to hold the state
* @param initialState: T - the initial value for the state
constructor(initialState: T) {
this.state$ = new BehaviorSubject(this.clone(initialState));
* changes the state value
* @param mutation: Partial<T> - the new value for the state
* could be a partial of the state to change only some properties
* @returns void
setState(mutation: Partial<T>) {
const newState = { ...this.getState(), ...this.clone(mutation) };
* also known as a snapshot
* @returns T - a copy of the current state value
getState(): T {
return this.clone(this.state$.getValue());
* emits copies of the state value on each change
* @returns Observable<T> - an observable of the state
getState$(): Observable<T> {
return this.state$.asObservable().pipe(map(this.clone));
* notifies changes on selected properties of the state
* @param selector: (state: T) => K - a function that selects a slice of the state
* @returns Observable<K> - an observable of the state projected by the selector
select$<K>(selector: (state: T) => K): Observable<K> {
return this.getState$().pipe(map(selector), distinctUntilChanged());
* simplest generic method to deep clone any object
* could be improved to be more efficient
* @param target: K - the object to clone
* @returns K - a copy of the target
private clone<K>(target: K): K {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(target));
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