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Created December 20, 2018 17:01
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  1. Install 1Password CLI and jq.

    brew install jq
    brew cask install 1password-cli
  2. Sign in to 1Password for the first time:


    This will save your secret key to ~/.op/config. In the future you only need to type your 1Pass password.

  3. Add these functions to your shell profile. It assumes you have an entry in 1Password titled "Okta".

    function 1pass-signin() {
        eval $(op signin my)
    function okta-password() {
        op get item Okta | jq -r '.details.fields[] | select(.designation == "password").value'
    function okta-secret() {
        op get item Okta | jq '.details.sections[1].fields[0].v' | awk -F'[=&]' '{print $2}'
    function cclokta() {
        if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
            echo 'Usage: cclokta <profile>'
            return 1
        okta_password="$(okta-password)" okta_onetimepassword_secret="$(okta-secret)" clokta --profile "$profile"
  4. Refresh your shell and run cclokta bigdata.

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