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Last active November 5, 2019 10:30
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Another SugarCube one-passage dialogue example
/* The dialogue setup - typically at the start of the passage */
<<set _dialogue = {
"": {
text: "<div>Before you stands a wizard, clad in heavy robes, scarves, and a pointed hat. He gives a cheerful but heavily muffled greeting. <q>Ownt fon?</q> the wizard inquires as he holds out a handful of rings which radiate magical energy.</div><div>Take one?</div>",
choices: [
{ text: "One with a shiny jewel on top!", next: "death" },
{ text: "A band with runes glowing around it!", next: "runes" },
{ text: "Mom told me not to accept strange items from people I don't know&hellip;", next: "death"},
{ text: "Go away.", next: "death", filter: "$day != 7" }
"runes": {
text: "<div><q>A fifve foil</q> the wizard responds as he starts watching you closely.</div><div>The ring starts to glow brighter as it sits in your hand, and hum softly with arcane power.</div>",
choices: [
{ text: "Drop it like it's hot!", next: "death" },
{ text: "<q>So how do I use this thing?</q>", next: "death" },
{ text: "Put it on!", next: "mistake" }
"mistake": {
text: "<div>Your mistake quickly becomes apparent. As the ring slips past your knuckles a burning rock falls from the sky, striking you down where you stand. Perhaps it was a ring of wishes&hellip; or just a ring of improbable luck.</div>",
choices: [
{ text: "ded", next: "death" }
"death": {
text: "You're death. Game over man, game over.",
choices: [
{ text: "Try again.", click: "<<goto `passage()`>>" }
<<set _dialogueIdx = "">>
/* Some minimal styling - put it into the story stylesheet without the <style> tags, generally */
#dialoguebox > div {
padding: 0.5em 0;
div.choice {
font-weight: bold;
ul.choices {
list-style: none;
q {
quotes: "“" "”" "‘" "’";
/* This needs to go in a widget passage */
<<widget "dialogueLink">><<nobr>>
<<capture _text, _next>> /* make them local variables */
<<set _text = $args[0]>>
<<set _next = $args[1]>>
<<set _click = $args[2]>>
<<link _text>>
<<remove "ul.choices">>
<<append "#dialoguebox">><div class="choice"><<= _text>></div><</append>>
<<if _next>>
<<set _dialogueIdx = _next>>
<<if _click>>
/* run what's there */
<<= _click>>
<<widget "updateDialogue">><<silently>>
<<timed 0s>>
<<set _current = _dialogue[_dialogueIdx]>>
<<if !_current>>
/* Display some error */
<<if _current.text>><<append "#dialoguebox">><<= _current.text>><</append>><</if>>
<<if _current.choices>><<append "#dialoguebox">><<nobr>><ul class="choices">
<<for _choice range _current.choices>>
<<if _choice.filter>>
<<capture _filter>> /* make _filter a local variable */
<<run"<<set _filter = !!(" + _choice.filter + ")>>")>>
<<if _filter>>
<<continue>> /* don't create this link */
<li><<dialogueLink _choice.text>></li>
<<widget "showDialogue">><<nobr>>
<div id="dialoguebox">
/* this goes into the passage again, at the place where the dialogue is shown */
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