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Last active November 15, 2016 10:43
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Script to take automatic db backup daily basis
#Script to take automatic db dump
#Written by Ajay Kumar
#Dated 07 July 2016
TODAY=`date +"%A"`
#enter database names here
DBs=( sugar_dev )
#if backupdirectory doesn't exist, create it
if [ ! -d "$BACKUPDIR" ]; then
mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR"
for database in "${DBs[@]}"; do
#concate directory path, today's day and dbname with .sql ext
#take dump
mysqldump -u$DBUSERNAME -p$DBPASS $database > $filename
#compress it
gzip -f $filename
Add the below entry in crontab
0 20 * * * sh /root/cronfiles/daily_db_dump
This will get execute everyday 8PM
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