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Last active March 6, 2020 16:50
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  • Save Agazoth/e0bf8330936a6aa38d4a80475b2a0494 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Agazoth/e0bf8330936a6aa38d4a80475b2a0494 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generates a usage report on a given folder
# This script generates a report containing the nessesary information about Size, LastChangeDate, LastReadDate on any given share
# The script needs to run locally on the server to optimize speed
param ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path, [switch]$SkipUnicode)
if (!$Path.Exists){
Write-Warning "$($path.FullName) not found!"
#Add Unicode switch
if (!$SkipUnicode){
$DirPath = '\\?\' + $Path.FullName
} else {
$DirPath = $Path.FullName
# We need to measure, when tha data was last accessed
# Last access time will be split into pools with an interval of days
$Date = Get-Date
$Paths = Get-ChildItem -Path $DirPath -Recurse -Force | where {!$_.Psiscontainer}
foreach ($f in $Paths ){
$LastAccessTime = Get-Date $f.LastAccessTime
$LastAccessdDate = ($Date - $LastAccessTime).Days
$AccessGroup = switch ($LastAccessdDate) {
{$PSItem -lt 14} {'1 - 14 days'}
{$PSItem -ge 14 -and $PSItem -lt 30} {'2 - 30 days'}
{$PSItem -ge 30 -and $PSItem -lt 45} {'3 - 45 days'}
{$PSItem -ge 45 -and $PSItem -lt 60} {'4 - 60 days'}
{$PSItem -ge 60 -and $PSItem -lt 90} {'5 - 90 days'}
{$PSItem -ge 90 -and $PSItem -lt 180} {'6 - 180 days'}
{$PSItem -ge 180 -and $PSItem -lt 365} {'7 - 365 days'}
{$PSItem -ge 365 -and $PSItem -lt 730} {'8 - 1-2 years'}
{$PSItem -ge 730} {'9 - More then 2 years'}
Add-Member -InputObject $f -NotePropertyName AccessGroup -NotePropertyValue $AccessGroup
$MeasureTotalSize = $Paths | Measure-Object Length -sum
$GBc = 0
$Attributes = foreach ($g in ($Paths | Group-Object AccessGroup | Sort-Object Name)){
$Size = $g.Group | Measure-Object Length -sum
$GBc += $Size.Sum
$Percent = [math]::Round(($GBc/$MeasureTotalSize.Sum)*100,2)
LastUsedGroup = $
FileCount = $g.Count
SizeInGB = [math]::Round($Size.Sum/1GB, 4)
Percentage = $Percent
$HeaderData = [PSCustomObject]@{
Server = $env:COMPUTERNAME
RootPath = $path.FullName
FileCount = $MeasureTotalSize.Count
TotalSizeInGB = [math]::Round($MeasureTotalSize.Sum/1GB, 2)
$Folder = $
if ($Folder -match ':') {$Folder = ($folder -split ':')[0}]}
$UsageReport = '{0}\{1}-Usagereport.txt' -f $(Get-Location).Path, $Folder
$FileReport = '{0}\{1}-Filereport.clixml' -f $(Get-Location).Path, $Folder
'Start: {0}' -f $date | Out-File $UsageReport
$HeaderData | Out-File $UsageReport -Append
$Attributes | Out-File $UsageReport -Append
$Paths | Select-Object Name, Directory, LastWriteTime, LastAccessTime, Length, Extension, AccessGroup | export-clixml $FileReport
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