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Last active May 22, 2024 20:06
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Lokta-Volterra NeuralODE using Lux.jl
using DifferentialEquations, Lux, DiffEqFlux, Plots
using Optimization, ComponentArrays, Random
using OptimizationOptimisers: Adam
function lotka_volterra(du, u, p, t)
x, y = u
α, β, δ, γ = p
du[1] = dx = α*x - β*x*y
du[2] = dy = -γ*y + δ*x*y
# Parameters and initial conditions
params = [1.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
u0 = Float32[1.0, 1.0] # Initial conditions for x, y
tspan = (0f0, 5f0)
tstep = 0.5
# Solve the ODE problem
prob = ODEProblem(lotka_volterra, u0, tspan, params)
solution = solve(prob, Tsit5(), saveat=tstep)
dataplot = scatter(solution, label=["Prey" "Predator"])
# Define a neural network
nn = Chain(
Dense(2, 18, tanh),
Dense(18, 2)
neural_p, state = Lux.setup(Xoshiro(0), nn)
const state = state # For performance
neural_p = neural_p |> ComponentArray
# Create the (Neural) ODE problem. Note that ∇u=f(u)!=f(u,t)
dudt(u, p, t) = nn(u, p, state)[1]
neural_prob = ODEProblem(dudt, u0, tspan, neural_p)
function predict(θ, u0=u0, tspan = tspan)
_prob = remake(neural_prob, u0 = u0 , tspan = tspan, p = θ)
Array(solve(_prob, Tsit5(), saveat = tstep))
@time predict(neural_p) # 0.000239 seconds (1.56 k allocations: 75.688 KiB)
# Define a loss function against the original ODE solution
function loss(p_nn)
pred = predict(p_nn)
sum(abs2, solution .- pred)
# This gets called at every training iteration.
# Set doplot=false to disable plotting.
callback = function (opt_state, l; doplot=true)
if opt_state.iter % 100 == 0
println("Iteration $(opt_state.iter) with loss $l")
if doplot && opt_state.iter % 10 == 0
p = opt_state.u
display(plot(dataplot, solution.t,
predict(p)', ylims=(0, 3),
label=["NN Prey" "NN Predator"]))
return false
# Train the model
maxiters = 5000
adtype = Optimization.AutoZygote()
optf = Optimization.OptimizationFunction((x, p) -> loss(x), adtype)
optprob = Optimization.OptimizationProblem(optf, p)
res1 = Optimization.solve(optprob, Adam(0.01), callback=callback, maxiters = maxiters)
# Rename the NN parameters resulting from the training
trained_p = res1.u
# Test prediction in the future
future_tspan = (0f0, 20f0)
future_real = solve(prob, Tsit5(), saveat=tstep, tspan=future_tspan)
future_nn = remake(neural_prob, tspan = future_tspan, p = trained_p)
future_pred = solve(future_nn, Tsit5(), saveat=tstep/10)
# Plot results in the future
scatter(future_real, label=["Prey" "Predator"])
plot!(future_pred, label=["NNPrey" "NNPredator"], title="Predictions in the future")
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