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Forked from ollieatkinson/Navigation.swift
Created March 3, 2022 18:16
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NavigationRoute for Swift Composable Architecture
import ComposableArchitecture
import SwiftUI
public struct RouteIntent<R: NavigationRoute>: Hashable {
public enum Action: Hashable {
case navigateTo
case enterInto(EnterIntoContext = .default)
public var route: R
public var action: Action
public init(route: R, action: RouteIntent<R>.Action) {
self.route = route
self.action = action
public struct EnterIntoContext: OptionSet, Hashable {
public let rawValue: UInt
public init(rawValue: UInt) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
public static let fullScreen = EnterIntoContext(rawValue: 1 << 0)
public static let destinationEmbeddedIntoNavigationView = EnterIntoContext(rawValue: 1 << 1)
public static let all: EnterIntoContext = [.fullScreen, .destinationEmbeddedIntoNavigationView]
public static let `default`: EnterIntoContext = [.destinationEmbeddedIntoNavigationView]
public static let none: EnterIntoContext = []
public protocol NavigationRoute: Hashable {
associatedtype Destination: View
associatedtype State: NavigationState where State.RouteType == Self
associatedtype Action: NavigationAction where Action.RouteType == Self
func destination(in store: Store<State, Action>) -> Destination
public protocol NavigationState: Equatable {
associatedtype RouteType: NavigationRoute where RouteType.State == Self
var route: RouteIntent<RouteType>? { get set }
public protocol NavigationAction {
associatedtype RouteType: NavigationRoute where RouteType.Action == Self
static func route(_ route: RouteIntent<RouteType>?) -> Self
extension NavigationRoute {
public var label: String {
Mirror(reflecting: self).children.first?.label
?? String(describing: self)
extension NavigationAction {
public static func dismiss() -> Self {
public static func navigate(to route: RouteType) -> Self {
.route(.navigate(to: route))
public static func enter(into route: RouteType, context: EnterIntoContext = .default) -> Self {
.route(.enter(into: route, context: context))
extension RouteIntent {
public static func navigate(to route: R) -> Self {
.init(route: route, action: .navigateTo)
public static func enter(into route: R, context: EnterIntoContext = .default) -> Self {
.init(route: route, action: .enterInto(context))
extension View {
public func navigationRoute<State: NavigationState>(
in store: Store<State, State.RouteType.Action>
) -> some View {
navigationRoute(State.RouteType.self, in: store)
public func navigationRoute<Route: NavigationRoute>(
_ route: Route.Type = Route.self, in store: Store<Route.State, Route.Action>
) -> some View {
extension Effect where Output: NavigationAction {
public static func dismiss() -> Self {
Effect(value: .dismiss())
public static func navigate(to route: Output.RouteType) -> Self {
Effect(value: .navigate(to: route))
public static func enter(into route: Output.RouteType, context: EnterIntoContext = .default) -> Self {
Effect(value: .enter(into: route, context: context))
public struct NavigationRouteViewModifier<Route: NavigationRoute>: ViewModifier {
public typealias State = Route.State
public typealias Action = Route.Action
public let store: Store<State, Action>
@ObservedObject private var viewStore: ViewStore<RouteIntent<Route>?, Action>
@SwiftUI.State private var intent: Identified<UUID, RouteIntent<Route>>?
@SwiftUI.State private var isReady: Identified<UUID, RouteIntent<Route>>?
public init(_ store: Store<State, Action>) { = store
viewStore = ViewStore(store.scope(state: \.route))
public func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.onReceive(viewStore.publisher) { state in
guard state != intent?.value else { return }
intent = { .init($0, id: UUID()) }
@ViewBuilder private var routing: some View {
if let intent = intent {
.inserting(intent, into: $isReady)
@ViewBuilder private func create(_ intent: Identified<UUID, RouteIntent<Route>>) -> some View {
let binding = viewStore.binding(
get: { $0 },
send: Action.route
switch intent.value.action {
case .navigateTo:
destination: intent.value.route.destination(in: store),
isActive: Binding(binding, to: intent, isReady: $isReady),
label: EmptyView.init
case .enterInto(let context) where context.contains(.fullScreen):
#if os(macOS)
isPresented: Binding(binding, to: intent, isReady: $isReady),
content: {
if context.contains(.destinationEmbeddedIntoNavigationView) {
NavigationView { intent.value.route.destination(in: store) }
} else {
intent.value.route.destination(in: store)
isPresented: Binding(binding, to: intent, isReady: $isReady),
content: {
if context.contains(.destinationEmbeddedIntoNavigationView) {
NavigationView { intent.value.route.destination(in: store) }
} else {
intent.value.route.destination(in: store)
case .enterInto(let context):
isPresented: Binding(binding, to: intent, isReady: $isReady),
content: {
if context.contains(.destinationEmbeddedIntoNavigationView) {
NavigationView { intent.value.route.destination(in: store) }
} else {
intent.value.route.destination(in: store)
extension View {
@ViewBuilder fileprivate func inserting<E>(
_ element: E,
into binding: Binding<E?>
) -> some View where E: Hashable {
onAppear {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .milliseconds(15)) { binding.wrappedValue = element }
extension Binding where Value == Bool {
fileprivate init<E: Equatable>(
_ source: Binding<E?>,
to element: Identified<UUID, E>,
isReady ready: Binding<Identified<UUID, E>?>
) {
get: { source.wrappedValue == element.value && ready.wrappedValue == element },
set: { source.wrappedValue = $0 ? element.value : nil }
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