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Created June 9, 2023 19:09
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Dependancy and useAPI
import { build } from "nuxt";
import { Data } from "~/types/generated";
export const useAPI = (
url: string,
items: any,
meta: any,
item: any,
status: any,
errors: {}
) => {
* This asynchronous function sends a GET request to the API to retrieve all items.
* @param query - An optional parameter, can be used to specify a specific API query.
* @param _url - An optional parameter, can be used to specify a specific API endpoint.
* The method uses the `useHttp` function to send a GET request to the appropriate API endpoint,
* constructed using the `generateApiUrl` function with provided `query` and `_url`.
* The response from the request is awaited and then used to update the status.
* If the retrieval operation was successful, the value of `items` and possibly `meta`
* (if the query included pagination) is updated with the response data.
const getAll = async (query?: any, _url?: string) => {
const response = await useHttp(generateApiUrl(query, _url), {
method: "get",
// Update the value of status based on the success of the response
status.value = response.success;
// If the retrieval operation was successful
if (response.success) {
// If pagination was included in the query, update 'items' with the data and 'meta' with the pagination info
if (query !== undefined && "page" in query) {
items.value =;
meta.value =;
// If pagination was not included in the query, update 'items' with the entire response data
else {
items.value =;
* This asynchronous function sends a POST request to the API to create a new item.
* @param body - The data for the new item to be sent in the request body.
* @param _url - An optional parameter, can be used to specify a specific API endpoint.
* The method uses the `useHttp` function to send a POST request to the appropriate API endpoint,
* constructed using the provided `_url` and `body`.
* The response from the request is awaited and then used to update the status.
* If the creation operation was successful, the value of `item` is updated with the response data,
* and the new item is also pushed into the `items` array.
const create = async (body: any, _url?: string) => {
const response = await useHttp(`${generateApiUrl(_url)}`, {
method: "post",
// Update the value of status based on the success of the response
status.value = response.success;
// If the creation operation was successful, update the value of item and push the new item to items array
if (response.success) {
item.value =;
* This asynchronous function sends a GET request to the API to retrieve a specific item.
* @param url - The base URL of the API to interact with.
* @param id - The ID of the item to be retrieved.
* The method uses the `useHttp` function to send a GET request to the appropriate API endpoint,
* constructed using the provided `url` and `id`.
* The response from the request is awaited and then used to update the status
* and potentially the item value, if the retrieval operation was successful.
const get = async (url: string, id: number) => {
const response = await useHttp(`${url}/${id}`, {
method: "get",
// Update the value of status based on the success of the response
status.value = response.success;
// If the retrieval operation was successful, update the value of item with the response data
if (response.success) {
item.value =;
* This asynchronous function sends a DELETE request to the API to remove a specific item.
* @param id - The ID of the item to be removed.
* The method uses the `useHttp` function to send a DELETE request to the appropriate API endpoint,
* constructed using the provided `url` and `id`.
* The function returns the Promise returned by the `useHttp` function, allowing the caller to handle
* the success or failure of the request.
const remove = async (id: number) => {
return useHttp(`${url}/${id}`, {
method: "delete",
* This asynchronous function sends a PUT request to the API to update a specific item.
* @param id - The ID of the item to be updated. Can be of type string or number.
* @param body - The data for the new item to be sent in the request body.
* @param _url - An optional parameter, can be used to specify a specific API endpoint.
* The response from the request is awaited and then used to update the status
* and potentially the item value, if the update operation was successful.
const update = async (id: string | number, body: any, _url?: string) => {
const response = await useHttp(`${generateApiUrl(_url)}/${id}`, {
method: "put",
// Update the value of status based on the success of the response
status.value = response.success;
// If the update operation was successful, update the value of item with the response data
if (response.success) {
item.value =;
* Generates a URL for an API request.
* @param query - Query parameters for the API request. It can be a string or an object.
* @param _url - An optional parameter, can be used to specify a specific endpoint.
* If 'query' is a string, it's treated as the URL. If 'query' is an object,
* it's converted into URL parameters.
* The resulting URL is composed of the base URL, the specified endpoint,
* and any query parameters, separated by slashes.
* @returns {string} - The generated API URL.
function generateApiUrl(query: any, _url?: string) {
_url = typeof query === "string" ? query : _url;
const tempURL = _url ? `${url}/${_url}` : url;
let urlParam = "";
if (query && typeof query === "object") {
urlParam = `?${useQueryToUrl(query)}`;
const api_url = `${tempURL}${
(query === undefined && query !== null) || Object.keys(query).length === 0
? ""
: urlParam
return api_url;
return {
export const useHttp = async (
url: string,
method = "get",
body = {},
headers = {},
fileUpload = false,
}: {
method?: string;
body?: object;
headers?: HeadersInit;
fileUpload?: boolean;
} = { method: "get" }
) => {
const config = useRuntimeConfig();
const token = useCookie("auth_token", {
domain: config.public.session_domain,
let data = [];
let error = null;
let success = false;
const initHeaders = new Headers(headers);
var params: FormData | string = JSON.stringify(body);
if (!initHeaders.has("Content-Type")) {
initHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");
if (token.value) {
initHeaders.append("Authorization", `Bearer ${token.value}`);
if (fileUpload) {
initHeaders.set("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data");
const formData = new FormData();
for (const key of Object.keys(body) as Array<keyof typeof body>) {
formData.append(key, body[key]);
params = formData;
let options = {
headers: initHeaders,
body: method.toUpperCase() === "GET" ? undefined : params,
try {
const response = await fetch(url, options);
// wait for the response to be parsed as JSON
if (response.ok) {
const res = await response.json();
data = res;
success = true;
} else {
// Throw an error with status code and message
const res = await response.json();
error = res;
success = false;
} catch (error) {
success = false;
return {
export const useQueryToUrl = (query: any) => {
const keyValuePairs = Object.keys(query).map((key) => `${key}=${query[key]}`);
return keyValuePairs.join("&");
import { defineStore } from "pinia";
import { Data } from "~/types/generated";
// Export a function useWorkGroupStore to define a store named "workGroup"
export const useWorkGroupStore = defineStore("workGroup", () => {
// Access the runtime config with useRuntimeConfig
const config = useRuntimeConfig();
// Define the URL for the API using the runtime config
const url = `${config.public.employment_api}/employer-work-groups`;
// Define items as a ref to an empty array
//The "items" variable stores the list of array items retrieved from the backend.
//required state if using useAPI composable
const items = ref<any>([]);
// Define meta as a ref to an instance of Data.Meta
//The "meta" variable stores data related to item pagination.
//required state if using useAPI composable
const meta = ref<Data.Meta>();
// Define item as a ref to an instance of Data.EmployeeWorkgroup
//The "item" variable stores a single item.
//required state if using useAPI composable
const item = ref<Data.EmployeeWorkgroup>();
// Define httpStatus as a ref set initially to true
//required state if using useAPI composable
const httpStatus = ref(true);
// Define errors as a ref initially set to null
//required state if using useAPI composable
const errors = ref(null);
// Define http as the result of useAPI function
const http = useAPI(url, items, meta, item, httpStatus, errors);
// Define processing as a ref to a boolean, initially set to false
const processing = ref<boolean>(false);
// Return an object containing these variables
return {
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