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Created January 20, 2021 18:16
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SFTP with PHP Sec Lib
// composer require phpseclib
include get_stylesheet_directory() . "/vendor/autoload.php";
use phpseclib\Net\SFTP;
function sftp() {
$sftp = new SFTP( SFTP_HOST ); // Stored in wp-config.php (also 1Password)
if ( !$sftp->login( SFTP_USER, SFTP_PW ) ) { // Stored in wp-config.php (also 1Password)
throw new Exception( 'Login failed' );
if ( $sftp->file_exists( 'dir_name' ) ) { // check if dir exists
$sftp->chdir( 'dir_name' ); // cd into dir
if ( $sftp->file_exists( '' ) ) { // check if file exists
$sftp->get( '', wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . '/' ); // download file to uploads base dir
// Unzip zip file
try {
unzip_file( wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . '/', wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . '/file_name.html' ); // unzip file and put contents somewhere
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
error_log( $e ); // error log if unsuccessful in unzipping
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