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Create An Alias For Laravel and Codecept in Windows PowerShell.
# Laravel Artisan Commands Shortcut
function art($arg1,$arg2,$arg3,$arg4,$arg5) { php artisan $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4 $arg5}
Set-Alias a art
#### Use as by default Alias #####
# ge:r => generate:resource
# ge:c => generate:controller
# ge:s => generate:seed
# ge:m => generate:model
# ge:sc => generate:scaffold
# m:m => migrate:make
# m:f => migrate:refresh
# m:re => migrate:reset
# m:b => migrate:rollback
# Try it
## PS c:\laravel_proj> a ge:r post
# For CodeCept
## Assuming codecept.phar file is in your current working Directory
function codecept($arg1,$arg2) { php codecept.phar $arg1 $arg2 }
Set-Alias c codecept
# *** Other *** #
function www($arg1) {
$arg="c:/xampp/htdocs/" + $arg1
cd $arg
## Try it:
# PS C:\> www
# OR,
# PS C:\> www laravel_proj
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